THE NEW FRONTIER & THE GREAT SOCIETY In this chapter you will learn about President John F. Kennedy’s New Frontier and President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society.
LEARNING GOALS Objectives Discuss the foreign policy challenges that President Kennedy faced. Evaluate President Kennedy’s success in enacting his New Frontier programs. Describe President Johnson’s Great Society. Essential Questions What were the achievements and challenges of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations?
KENNEDY & THE COLD WAR JFK Elected president in 1960 defeating Nixon. Fidel Castro Communist revolutionary that became dictator of Cuba in Bay of Pigs CIA trained Cuban refugees attempted to overthrow Castro but were defeated. Cuban Missile Crisis Soviet Union sent nuclear bombs to Cuba so U.S. blockaded the island. Berlin Wall Concrete wall topped with barbed wire that separated East & West Berlin.
THE NEW FRONTIER & TRAGEDY Mandate Clear indication voters approve of a plan. Peace Corps Volunteer assistance program in developing nations in Asia, Africa, & Latin America. Space Race Soviets send first man & satellite into space. NASA created to get first man on the moon. 07/20/1969: Neil Armstrong lands on the moon.Neil Armstrong November 22, 1963 JFK shot in Dallas, TX by Lee Harvey Oswald Oswald shot by Jack Ruby before trial.Jack Ruby Lots of Conspiracy theories.
THE GREAT SOCIETY Economic Opportunity Act 1964 law that provided funds for youth, antipoverty, small-business, and job training programs. Medicare & Medicaid Provided health insurance for the elderly and poor. Immigration Act of 1965 Increased the number of immigrants allowed into the U.S. Warren Court Banned school prayer and banned state-required loyalty oaths. Reapportionment How states redraw voting districts after population changes.
______ 1. He accepted Soviet aid for Cuba. ______ 2. This involved an invasion of Cuba. ______ 3. This separated East Germany from West Germany. ______ 4. He was arrested for the assassination of JFK. ______ 5. This is a volunteer organization to help developing countries. ______ 6. This banned prayer in public schools and brought about change in federal and state reapportionment and the criminal justice system. ______ 7. These provided free or low-cost medical insurance to welfare recipients and most Americans age 65 and older. ______ 8. This replaced the national origins system with a new quota system that allowed more people from outside of Europe to settle in the United States.