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Topics to be covered The UK Undergraduate and Postgraduate Degrees Programs. How to Find Information about Scholarships? Entry Requirements. Writing a Successful CV. Writing an Effective Personal Statement. Writing a Successful Research Proposal. How to Contact a Potential Supervisor? Tips for Reference Letters. Writing an Effective Application Form. Tips for a Successful Interview. The Rankings of UK Universities. 2
UK Accounting Degrees Bachelor Degrees BA Accounting BA Accounting and Finance BA Accounting and Financial Management BA Accounting and Business BA Accounting and Management BA Forensic Accounting BA Professional Accounting BA Applied Accounting BA Accounting with Law BA International Finance and Accounting General degree (3 years); Honours degree (4 years) 3
postgraduate Degrees Master of Science (MSc) Accounting & Finance (12 months) Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Accounting & Finance (minimum 12 months; maximum 18 months) PhD Accounting & Finance (minimum 2 years; maximum 4 years) 4
How to find information about scholarships? 5 /
Entry requirements A good undergraduate degree in a relevant subject or A good undergraduate degree in a relevant subject, for example, accounting, finance or mathematics or A 2:1 or equivalent in a relevant subject or A good first degree in a business or social science subject or A degree equivalent to a UK second class honours degree or higher or An upper second honours degree or better 33
British undergraduate degree classification for undergraduate studies (Honours degrees are in bold) First-Class Honours (First or 1st) (70% and above) (85%+) Upper Second-Class Honours (2:1, 2.i) (60-70%) (70-85%) Lower Second-Class Honours (2:2, 2.ii) (50-60%) (55-70%) Third-Class Honours (Third or 3rd) (40-50%) (40-55%) 34
Academic transcript 35
English Language Requirements (or 7 in some universities) with no less than 5.5 in any band* * In some UK universities, students who studied their Bachelor degrees in English are exempted from the language requirement.
CV 38
40 Why this subject? This could be a short sentence and needs to capture the reason why you are interested in studying on the programme you are applying for. Some of the most effective personal statements start simply, for example, “I want to study Accounting because…”. With this opening statement you are trying to communicate to the admissions tutor your enthusiasm for the programme. You might want to think about these questions and areas: Your knowledge of the subject area What does the programme entail? Why does it interest you? What interests you the most? Where could studying the programme lead?
41 Why You? Once you have outlined your reasons for being interested in the programme you are applying to, you need to demonstrate why you would be a good student. In this section you are trying to convey your inclination and ability to study on the programme. You need to be able to show the admissions tutor that you have the right background in terms of academic ability and the right interest or inclination, that is, that you know what the programme you want to study involves.
42 Are you interesting and unique? Write about what makes you an interesting and unique person. All those extra things you have done or experienced which will bring something extra to the community of the University you want to join. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, you need to reflect on the skills and lessons you have learned and write about that. Remember to mention these parts of your life, and if appropriate the skills that will help you with the course.
43 Personal Statement: Other Things To Consider Determine what you would tell an admission committee member if you had five minutes to answer the question “What is most important for us to know about you?” This exercise will force you to do the type of thinking that must precede the preparation of an effective personal statement. Be selective. Don’t introduce inappropriate material or get into so much detail that your judgment can be called into question. Try to maintain a positive and upbeat tone. Overall, you want to project confidence and enthusiasm. Be specific when appropriate and use details. Adhere to stated word limits. Do not give them reason to toss your application packet Be careful (type and proof read your statement carefully and have others read it too). If a school wants to know why you are applying to it rather than another school, do a bit of research if necessary to find out what sets your choice apart from other universities or programs. Do not repeat information that you have already included in other documents. Source:
How to write a Successful Research Proposal* Normally a proposal should be between 1500 and 2000 words and will include the following: A Working Title of the Topic Area General Overview of Area This should take the form of a brief abstract of your proposed general area of study and identify the discipline(s) within which it falls. You might also refer to the way in which your own background and experience gives you competences in your chosen area. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any) and the proposed method. Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used, where applicable. 44
Identification of the Relevant Literature In this section you should develop your proposal to demonstrate that you are aware of existing debates and issues raised in relevant bodies of literature. References to key articles and texts should be made to show that you appreciate their relevance to your research area. A PhD is an original piece of research and so you should demonstrate that your proposed area has not been studied before. So you need to identify your niche which will lead on to the thesis preparation. The literature review can often suffer the following problems so it is important to take these into consideration when drafting it: Lack of organisation and structure Lack of focus, unity and coherence Repetition of information Failure to cite influential papers Failure to keep up with recent developments Failure to critically evaluate cited papers Citing irrelevant or trivial references 45
Key Research Questions Since you need to demonstrate that the topic can be completed within the normal time period allowed, you need to demonstrate that it is manageable, and so focus on key questions within your niche area. Methodology You need to demonstrate an awareness of the methodological tools available to you and show some understanding of which would be suitable for your research. It may be that qualitative methods, including the analysis of interviews, is appropriate. Alternatively your approach may involve forecasting or statistical modelling. In other cases you may be combining methodologies. You need to specify the approach you feel will be most appropriate. Timescale/Research Planning You need to demonstrate an awareness of the need for planning and the timescale of the research. Bibliography You should include a short list of references to key articles and texts included in the proposal. Source: 46
Writing an to a Potential PhD Supervisor 47 Here is that sort of bad example: “Dear Professor ……, I am a student at XXX College and I’m thinking about graduate school on xxx and I’m getting in touch to ask if you can give me any advice or direction about that. Sincerely, student X” This is an instant-delete .
“Dear Professor XXX, I am a student at XXX College with a major in xxx. I am a [junior] and will be graduating next May. I have a [4.0 GPA] and experience in our college’s [summer program in xxx/internship program in xxx/Honors College/etc.]. I had the chance to read your article I really enjoyed it, and it gave me many ideas for my future research I am planning to attend graduate school in xxx, with a focus on xxx. In one of my classes, “xxx,” which was taught by Professor XXX, I had the chance to read your article, “xxxx.” I really enjoyed it, and it gave me many ideas for my future research. I have been exploring graduate programs where I can work on this topic. My specific project will likely focus on xxxx, and I am particularly interested in exploring the question of xxxxx. I have explored your department’s graduate school website in detail I still have a few specific questions about I hope you don’t mind my getting in touch, but I’d like to inquire whether you are currently accepting graduate students. If you are, would you willing to talk to me a bit more, by or on the phone, or in person if I can arrange a campus visit, about my graduate school plans? I have explored your department’s graduate school website in detail, and it seems like an excellent fit for me because of its emphasis on xx and xx, but I still have a few specific questions about xx and xxx that I’d like to talk to you about. I appreciate any time you can give me I know you’re very busy so I appreciate any time you can give me. Thanks very much, Sincerely, XX XXX 48
Reference letters Ask your Lectures/Professors. Follow the instructions. Avoid silly mistakes. 49
Applying for postgraduate taught study Submitting an application Apply for postgraduate study using our online postgraduate application form.postgraduate application form Alternatively you can download a copy of the application form to be submitted by hand, by post or via with accompanying attachments. download a copy of the application form Additional guidance information can also be downloaded on how to fill in the postgraduate application form.how to fill in the postgraduate application form If you would like any further information please contact the Postgraduate and Enquiries team: Applying for postgraduate research study Submitting an application Apply for postgraduate study using our online postgraduate application form.postgraduate application form Alternatively you can download a copy of the application form to be submitted by hand, by post or via with accompanying attachments.download a copy of the application form Additional guidance information can also be downloaded on how to fill in the postgraduate application form.how to fill in the postgraduate application form If you would like any further information please contact the Graduate School: Telephone: +44 (0) (0)
Tips for job interview success - Why should they offer you the scholarship? - Look at the university website. - Look at the staff research interests. - Be prepared by reading your research proposal & CV. - Don’t waffle: Answer questions properly. - Be positive & flexible 51
UK Universities 53