Community Inquiry Laboratory Graduate School of Library & Information Science U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


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Presentation transcript:

Community Inquiry Laboratory Graduate School of Library & Information Science U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

What is it? 1) Inquiry Page: inquiry units, quotes, & other resources 2) CILabs –inquiry units, plus –connecting communities 3) Learning opportunities 4) Research on inquiry

Partner projects Resources for inquiry teaching & learning Lesson planning support and idea site Collaborative teaching & learning community 1) Inquiry Page

2) Communities: GSLIS Prairienet ESL community technology centers Center for Children's Books ISRL projects PITA grant LEEP

Communities: NCSA Inquiry involves people as active learners. Students in inquiry classrooms may experience anything from running a business, to writing stories, to growing and hatching chickens. (also: Bugscope, EdGrid, VR Savvy, GK-12, RiverWeb, ChemViz)

Communities: Other UIUC Ethnography of the University (EOTU) Dept. of English College of Education CAMPWS MSTE Office Library of the Future

Communities: Beyond… Afya, Sisternet East St. Louis Action Research Paseo Boricua Distributed Knowledge Research Consortium Computers and Writing Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, …

3) Learning Users of the Inquiry Page Developers –practicums, internships, independent study –weekly meetings –workshops –sequence of courses => graduate specialization

Learning: Degree specialization Inquiry-based learning Community information systems Participatory action research Social justice Pragmatic technology Uses and users of information Literacy in the information age

4) Research on inquiry Development as participatory inquiry Student/teacher research Foundations: Participatory action research Funded research through NSF, Dept of Ed, IMLS, NIH, etc.

Research questions How can we o connect learning & life? o support lifelong learning? o accommodate diversity & shared values?

A) Connect school and life

B) Lifelong learning technology => solves a problem solution to a problem=>technology

C) Value difference; seek common purpose

Participatory design

Co-evolution KnowledgeTechnologyCommunity

Needs Coordination; jigsaw model Staff support Stable technology infrastructure Established presence Response to funding opportunities

Sites CILabs: Inquiry Page: Youth Community Informatics:

References Benson, A. P., & Bruce, Bertram C. (2001, August). Using the web to promote inquiry and collaboration: A snapshot of the Inquiry Page's development. Teaching Education, 12(2), Using the web to promote inquiry and collaboration: A snapshot of the Inquiry Page's development Bruce, B. C., & Bishop, A. P. (2002, May). Using the web to support inquiry-based literacy development. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 45(8), Using the web to support inquiry-based literacy development The Community Inquiry Lab Collaborative (2004, March). Community inquiry labs as effective community informatics tools. In Peter Day, Building & bridging community networks: Knowledge, innovation & diversity through communication, Brighton, UK.Community inquiry labs as effective community informatics tools.Building & bridging community networks: Knowledge, innovation & diversity through communication Bishop, Ann P., Bruce, Bertram C., & Jones, M. Cameron (2006). Community inquiry and informatics: Collaborative learning and action through ICT. Journal of Community Informatics, 2(2). To be reprinted in J. M. Carroll (ed.), Learning in communities: Interdisciplinary perspectives on human centred information technology. London: Springer-Verlag.Community inquiry and informatics: Collaborative learning and action through ICT.Journal of Community Informatics Bishop, Ann P., & Bruce, Bertram C. (2009). Community inquiry and collaborative practice: The iLabs of Paseo Boricua. Journal of Community Informatics, 5(1).Community inquiry and collaborative practice: The iLabs of Paseo BoricuaJournal of Community Informatics Bruce, Bertram C. (2009, April). "Building an airplane in the air": The life of the inquiry group. In Joni Falk & Brian Drayton (eds.), Creating and sustaining online professional learning communities (pp ). New York: Teachers College Press."Building an airplane in the air": The life of the inquiry group.Creating and sustaining online professional learning communities