A library’s open access publishing fund Claudia C. Holland Head, Scholarly Communication & Copyright Office VLACRL 2013, September 26, 2013
Verify the need Where will the money come from? Documentation Payment process Market the fund Sustainability Challenges
Faculty Forum Presented our “case.” Gauging interest. Offered an online survey.
Results Small sample (~31) 81% in favor 19% opposed
A publisher invoice & attendant OAPF form are submitted to verify “request for payment” A publisher may allow credit card payment via a link; library earns 1% per CC pmt. Payment to an international publisher may incur a 1% transaction fee. International payment by check may require a 30% tax if no proper W-8 tax form from publisher on file. In addition to a dummy PO, a record is created in Voyager (so reports may be run on this fund), after which an eVA form is completed. * May not be applicable to/meet your school’s requirements
*Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study is a cross-disciplinary research institute with two in-house departments.
Provost’s Office Office of Research Library College of Science
Affiliate faculty OA journal listed in DOAJ* but publisher is on Beall’s ListBeall’s List Hybrid journals Saying “no” to faculty * Directory of Open Access Journals