Preparation for life after Graduation
Mrs. Clairday Career Facilitator at Harrisburg My job is grant funded. I work through ASUN but I am housed at the high school. I am here to help better prepare you for career &/or college.
Career Facilitator I am now at the school each day of the week My Office is located up on the stage in the cafeteria
How I can help you… Develop Individual Career Plans
College Search I can assist you with enrolling in educational & training programs I can help you understand postsecondary education & training options
College Trips
What is an Assessment Tool that is designed to help individuals understand how a variety of personal attributes (interests, values, preferences, motivations, aptitudes and skills) impact their potential success and satisfaction with different career options & work environments. Assist you in making informed career decisions.
Who has taken a College Entrance Exam An entrance examination is an examination that many educational institutions use to select students for admission. Also, the test may be used for course placement. examination SAT – is more of an aptitude test, testing reasoning & verbal abilities. (Not as common in Southern Schools. Used in more prominent schools). ACT - is an achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in school. Compass - is an untimed, computerized test that helps your college evaluate your skills and place you into appropriate courses.
College Entrance Exams Remediation Determine if you will can be admitted into the school or college program. If you score below a 19 in English, Reading & Math on the ACT you have to pay to take remedial classes in college & you do not get credit for the courses. You can always contact the college your attending to see if they will accept Compass scores. You can come see me if you need more info on what test you should take
Concurrent Credit Concurrent credit classes are college classes offered to qualified students. These classes allow high school students to enroll in college classes offered at their high school campuses.
Job Shadowing Job shadow, is a program for students to find out what it is like to be in a specific profession. This helps the student to choose the higher education/training and subsequently the profession that they would like to choose.profession
Apprenticeship Apprenticeship is a way to learn a craft or specific skill by working with an expert. The apprentice is paid for the on-the-job training! An apprenticeship covers all aspects of the occupation & includes on-the-job training & related classroom instruction.
What Occupations have Apprenticeships? Electrician Pipefitter Energy Lineman Industrial Maintenance Telecommunications Chef Carpenter Welder Plumber Health Care Information Technology Construction Manufacturing Energy Child Care Development Specialist
Numbers to Ponder… What percent of jobs will require a degree or certificate by 2020? 54%
Financial Aid What is Financial Aid The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (known as FAFSA), is a form that must be filled out annually by current and anticipating university students (both undergraduate and graduate) and sometimes their parents in the United States to determine their eligibility for federal student financial aid (including grants, loans, and work-study programs). In addition, most states and schools use information from the FAFSA to award non-federal aid. financial aid You can start filing out the FAFSA application on 1/1/14. You need to complete the application by 6/1/14 for some state grants & scholarships.
Scholarships Listen for announcements each week about upcoming deadlines on scholarships. Check with the college you plan to attend to see if they have any institutional scholarships. Start out searching for scholarships on the web. is Great website to start. After 1/1/14 we will complete the YOUniversal scholarship application.
Challenge Scholarship Graduate from an Arkansas public high school and successfully complete the Smart Core curriculum either Achieve at least a 2.5 HIGH SCHOOL GPA; or Graduate from an Arkansas public high school and successfully complete the Smart Core curriculum Achieve a minimum composite score of nineteen (19) on the ACT or the equivalent score on an the Compass or SAT.
Senior Timeline…. 1 st semester Take the ACT/Compass if you’re unhappy with your scores. Start a college folder (make copies of everything you send & put in your folder, Write down user names/passwords/pin #’s) Keep your grades up!!! Start searching for scholarships Visit Several College Campuses & Apply Make a resume & get letters of recommendations 2 nd semester Pick a school Send all required documents to the school After January 1 st you will need to apply for FAFSA and YOUniversal applications for Federal and State grant & scholarship money Continue to apply for scholarships Decide on housing for college Check your for important updates Graduate
Mrs. Clairday – Career Facilitator What days am I at the school? Everyday!!! Where is my office located? On the stage behind the cafeteria Do you need an appointment to come see me? No If I am not in my office please leave me a note!!!!