Role of Account Management at ERCOT Nodal Training Project TPTF Debrief – November, 2006 Market Education
Page 2, November TPTF Debrief ERCOT Nodal 101: The Basics –Oct 11, 17 attendees (Taylor) –Oct 17, 24 attendees (Garland) –Oct 18, 29 attendees (Garland) –Oct 19, 24 attendees (Garland) –Oct 25, 36 attendees (Austin) –Oct 27, 32 attendees (Austin) Classes To-date – approaching 400 attendees –July 26, 37 attendees (Austin) –July 27, 33 attendees (Austin) –Aug 8, 35 attendees (Austin) –Aug 23, 45 attendees (Austin) –Sept 7, 20 attendees (Taylor) –Sept 21, 36 attendees (Austin) Testing Statistics –295 took test –263 passed –ERCOT (60 attended courses, 39 took test and all passed)
Page 3, November TPTF Debrief Recent Accolade From an un-named source after they were informed that they had passed the ERCOT Nodal 101: The Basics test after attending the course in Garland 10/18. WOW...I had no idea I did that good. Gotta give ya'll credit because that was a good test that wasn't intuitive. A lot of tests at the end of training classes are 'lay- ups' and even though it was open book, I liked that it was challenging enough to make you think and covered a broad array of the material. Great class also, I learned a lot about the nodal (market) for an overview and now (I) am going to need to dig deeper into the details. Have a good day and thanks for bringing that class up to the Dallas area. That made it convenient for us and should help ensure the market is prepared for the Nodal switch.
Page 4, November TPTF Debrief Recent Accomplishments Acquisition of LMS and Lectora software TPTF Sub-Group Approval of 5-Day Basics Training Program Abstract and outlines Development of Abstracts and One-page “Course at a Glance” for LSE 202 NMMS Transition to Nodal Testing
Page 5, November TPTF Debrief On-going Work Course and material (Process maps, text, graphics, guides etc) development 5-Day Basics Training Program Transition to Nodal Markets LSE 201 NMMS Configuration of LMS and Lectora Support of ERCOT Nodal 101 and Economics of LMP Delivery Improving training web-site Course scheduling for 2007 and 2008 Web-based training and testing for ERCOT Nodal 101: The Basics Improvements to test for ERCOT Nodal 101: The Basics Development of requirements for acquisition of training personnel for 2007 and 2008
Page 6, November TPTF Debrief Upcoming Course Schedule Prior to 1/1/09 Course TitleFace-to-Face Training Available ERCOT Nodal 101: The BasicsNow Available Economics of LMPNow Available Transition to Nodal Markets & Start-up TestingApril, 2007 NOIE QSE OperationsMay, 2007 Load Serving Entity 201May, 2007 Basic Training Program QSEJune, 2007 Market Settlements 301Sep, 2007 CRRs, PCRRs, and Supply HedgingNov, 2007 Transmission 101Nov, 2007 Network Model ManagementNov, 2007 Generation 101Dec, 2007 Generation 201Dec, 2007 Generation 301Dec, 2007 MIS 101: Market Information SystemsDec, 2007 ERCOT 101 for Wind GenerationJan, 2008 All dates are “proposed dates”
Page 7, November TPTF Debrief Currently Available Courses ERCOT 101: The Basics November 7 — Austin November 29 — Taylor December 4 — Austin January 17/18 — Houston (In planning) February 21/22 — Dallas (In planning) All courses are subject to rescheduling based on adequate course enrollment. The Economics of LMP November 13 — Taylor December 4 — Taylor Additional dates to be announced shortly