Communicating with staff
Objectives that will be covered: 1.Setting up the staffroom communitySetting up the staffroom community 2.Sharing documents and other filesSharing documents and other files 3.Using the calendar to share eventsUsing the calendar to share events 4.Staffroom Discussions: the ForumStaffroom Discussions: the Forum 5.Writing school news on the staffroom blogWriting school news on the staffroom blog 6.Leaving a message on teachers’ homepages: The Noticeboard TileLeaving a message on teachers’ homepages: The Noticeboard Tile 7.Creating a staffroom What’s On feedCreating a staffroom What’s On feed 8.Sending an to all staffSending an to all staff Communicating with Staff
Objective 1. Setting up your staffroom community Downloading or creating a staffroom community will be the starting point for using DB Primary to communicate with the staff in your school. A ready-made staffroom community can be found in the Learning Library. This can be edited as you wish. Otherwise, you can create your own staffroom community from scratch in the Administration area of the platform. Downloading or creating a staffroom community will be the starting point for using DB Primary to communicate with the staff in your school. A ready-made staffroom community can be found in the Learning Library. This can be edited as you wish. Otherwise, you can create your own staffroom community from scratch in the Administration area of the platform.
Objective 2a. Using the gallery to share files Step 1: The gallery allows you to share documents and multimedia files with staff. Step 2: Selecting the upload button will let you browse your computer or server for any files you wish to upload.
Objective 2b. Using the gallery : an overview of available options Below is an overview of some of the tools in the gallery. Click on the cogs for extra administration tools such as deleting in bulk or adding files to folders in bulk. Create documents, videos and audio files from within the gallery using some of the DB tools. Upload your own files. Creating folders helps you organise your files. Click here to sort your files into a list view. Click here if you wish to use a tagging structure instead of folder hierarchy (recommended for website communities).
Objective 2c. Using the gallery: adding comments to files Double clicking on any file will provide a number of options, as shown below. Teacher will be able to comment and give feedback on documents.
Objective 2d. Using the gallery: Organising your files with folders Double clicking on any file will provide a number of options, as shown below. Click on the dropdown next to Gallery and then select New Folder. You can then name and create your folder. If you hover over a folder and click on the drop down that appears, you will be presented with further options. The Folder view is the default view. See the next slide for information on the tag view.
Objective 2e. Using the gallery: Organising your files with tags If you have a DB website you should use tagging instead the folder system to organise your files. This enables your website to find the correct pictures and files to be displayed. If you have a DB website you should use tagging instead the folder system to organise your files. This enables your website to find the correct pictures and files to be displayed. Click on the dropdown next to All Files and then select Create Tag. You can then name and create your tag. If you hover over a tag and click on the drop down that appears, you will be presented with further options. If you set a tag to be the default tag, only files under this tag will be displayed when you visit the gallery.
Objective 3. Using the calendar to share events Click on these icons to toggle between a day, week and month view of the calendar. Click on New Event or on the calendar to add your event to the calendar. Make sure the calendar icon is enabled on the community front page. The staffroom calendar will let you share important events with your staff. A room booking community could also be created with its own calendar. Teachers would be able to use this to book out a particular room or rooms. The staffroom calendar will let you share important events with your staff. A room booking community could also be created with its own calendar. Teachers would be able to use this to book out a particular room or rooms.
Objective 3. Using the calendar: how teacher’s see notifications If you hover over the date, you will be notified of the number of events on this day. Click through to find out more information. If the What’s On tile is enabled the event will also be displayed on the news feed here. As long as the Calendar tile is enabled on the homepage, new events are shown with a triangle at the top right of a date.
Objective 4. Staffroom Discussions: the forum Teachers will see notifications of new forum topics in their What’s On or Staffroom Community tile. Step 2: Click on new topic to start a discussion topic. Step 1: Make sure the forum icon is enabled on the community front page. What the teachers will see
Objective 5. Writing whole school news on the staffroom blog A blog is a useful means for sharing important school news with the staff. Any teacher in the community can create and comment on topics*. A blog is a useful means for sharing important school news with the staff. Any teacher in the community can create and comment on topics*. *If you want to restrict teachers to only making comments on the blogs, change their membership status from leader to member in the manage membership area (click on the icons to toggle between membership types). What the teachers will see on their homepage
Objective 5. Setting up your Staffroom Community Blog Step 1: To activate the blog so that it shows on the front page of your community, click on the cogs at the top right of the community to navigate to your community administration area. Next, choose 'community blog' from the 'Available Panels' drop down. Step 2: On the blog admin panel of the community administration page, you can now also set the number of blog posts that you would like to appear. Step 3: Click on 'save' if you are updating the information here.
Objective 5. Setting up your Community Blog Step 4: You can also add a quick link to the blog on the left hand navigation panel. This link will take you to the full archive of the blog and show any previous entries made. To do this, while still in the administration view, on the quicklinks panel put a tick in the check box next to the blog feature in order to enable the link. Step 4: You can also add a quick link to the blog on the left hand navigation panel. This link will take you to the full archive of the blog and show any previous entries made. To do this, while still in the administration view, on the quicklinks panel put a tick in the check box next to the blog feature in order to enable the link. Step 5: You must click on the update button at the bottom of this list for the change to take effect.
Objective 6. Leaving a message on teachers’ homepages: The Noticeboard Tile The noticeboard tile will be an excellent way of communicating important information to staff quickly. Staff will be reminded or notified of events as soon as they logon and visit their homepage. The noticeboard tile will be an excellent way of communicating important information to staff quickly. Staff will be reminded or notified of events as soon as they logon and visit their homepage. Click on the dots to find older messages. The stars next to the title indicate any new messages for this login session.
Objective 6. Setting up a Homepage Notifications Step 2: You will then be given the option of where to make the post. As well as appearing on the homepage of all the members of the community selected, the notification will also be recorded on the blog in that community. Step 2: You will then be given the option of where to make the post. As well as appearing on the homepage of all the members of the community selected, the notification will also be recorded on the blog in that community. Step 1: Click on the pencil to start creating your notification message.
Objective 6. Setting up a Homepage Notifications Step 2: After clicking on next, enter a title and then complete your message. Step 2: After clicking on next, enter a title and then complete your message. Step 3: Click on post to finish and save your notification.
Objective 7. Creating a staffroom What’s On feed: activating the Community tile for the staffroom If there is a lot of activity in the staffroom community, it will be worth getting all staff to activate the community What’s On tile. Step 3: Click on the plus and select Staffroom as the community to add.
Objective 8. Sending an to all staff can also be accessed from the Mail tile when this is enabled. Click on the pencil icon on the tile to start writing your .
Objective 8. Sending an to all staff Select Staffroom from the drop down menu. A list will now appear showing all members of the staffroom community. Put a tick next to their name to select them. Next select Addresses.
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