The Journey to Canada October 1, 2014 Check in! Immigration Recap Attraction to Canada Advertising Campaign.


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Presentation transcript:

The Journey to Canada October 1, 2014 Check in! Immigration Recap Attraction to Canada Advertising Campaign

Canadian Immigration Post 1812 massive immigration to Canada (the Great Migration) Immigrants came from Britain, Ireland, Scotland and the U.S. They were attracted by the advertising campaigns promising cheap, fertile land. “Optimistic picture of life in Canada”

Immigrating to Canada What was it like immigrating to Canada? Immigrating was costly – all money was spent on the trip and supplies needed for the first year or two. Separation from family and friends back home. The journey was long – over a month of travel. Some immigrants were desperate i.e. poor

Multiculturalism in Upper Canada What attracted these groups? Why did they come to Canada?

Concluding Thoughts… Immigrant explosion after 1830’s. Immigrants were brave and determined to better their lives in Canada. They endured a long and arduous journey to reach Canada. Immigrants found life difficult in Canada once they arrived.

Your Assignment Your job is to create an immigration poster convincing people to immigrate to the Canada’s during the 1800’s. You can target any of the potential immigration groups (e.g. Scottish, Irish, Loyalists, and Black Americans). Your poster should be creative and eye-catching. Your poster must have all of the following aspects A catchy slogan attracting potential immigrants At least one picture Creative, colorful At least 3 reason why someone should immigrate Your poster must be neat and organized