Switzerland By: Briana Nelson
Swiss Leaders Micheline Calmy-Rey is the President for 2011 and head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Doris Leuthard is Head of Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf is VP and Head of Federal Department of Finance. Ueli Maurer Head of Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protections and Sports Didier Burkhalter is Head of Federal Department of Home Affairs Simonetta Sommaruga is Head of Federal Department of Justice and Police Johann Schneider-Ammann is Head of Federal Department of economic Affairs
Economics Switzerland has the most modern capitalist economy in the world. The Swiss franc remains one of the strongest currencies in the world with lowest inflation rate.
Population As of the 2009 census estimate Switzerland had 7,785,600 citizens.
Languages Swiss German-a language meant only for speaking it is not written and is used in the central part of Switzerland German-Used in the North-Eastern area French-Used in the Western area Italian-Used more toward the South Romansh-Used on the Eastern coast by Austria.
Religion No official State religion –Most are Catholic Churches Swiss reformed Churches 41.8% Christianity 35.3% Protestant 4.26% Islam
Demographics Age –Life expectancy is Gender –German (63.7%; 72.5%) –French (20.4%; 21.0%) –Italian (6.5%; 4.3%) –Romansh (0.5%; 0.6%) Average Income –One of the wealthiest countries in the World
Products Produced Swiss Army knives Swiss cheese Swiss chocolate Swiss Bank Swiss watches Swatch