LT: I can explain how new technology caused the economy of the 1920’s to boom.
Main IdeaDetails Growth in the 1920’s 1/videos/v2.4/45 994/8VH4286A _2Mb.mp4 After WWI economy started to grow again Gross National Product (GNP) = the total value of goods and services produced $70 billion for the US in 1922 $100 billion in 1929 Technology and electricity allowed businesses to lower prices and increase profit
Main IdeaDetails Management and Workers videos/v2.4/45994/8 4 Experts = people with advanced knowledge Hired to run businesses - led to lower costs - increased productivity Businesses treated their workers better Safety programs health insurance Ford paid $5 a day
Main IdeaDetails The Consumer Economy deos/v2.4/45994/8VH 4286D_2Mb.mp4 1920’s most Americans had electricity: New appliances were invented = refrigerators, stoves, vacuums, radios Businesses spent more $ on advertising Installment buying: paying small amounts each month, instead of all at once (Buy now, pay later) “credit” Bull Market- strong, aggressive stock market
Main IdeaDetails The Automobile Age S4KrIMZpwCY Many people worked for car companies Henry Ford = made the first affordable car - Model-T = sturdy, reliable, cheap
Main IdeaDetails Effect on other industries Industries Grew: -Roads and highways -Gas stations -Steel, rubber, oil, glass, -Motels and restaurants
BOPA: 3/6/14 1. How did the Gross National Product in the United States change in the 1920s? 2. When experts were hired to run businesses, how did this help the economy? 3. How did electricity lead to the economy growing in the 1920s? 4. How did the increase in production of automobiles effect other industries?
Those Left Behind -Farmers had difficulties-over produced from WWI, drought and insects Less jobs and less money for: -Railroad workers, coal miners, clothing factories Immigrants: -Red Scare-fear of anything foreign -Restrictions on Immigration -Difficult for immigrants to get jobs
Silver Screen 37odGSEo deos/v2.5/378/chp27 80_2Mb.mp4 deos/v2.4/45994/8V H4286G_2Mb.mp4 -Popular Culture -“Talkies” - The Jazz Singer -Charlie Chaplin
Aviation s/v2.2/27496/chp928972_ 720p.mp4 s/v2.2/27496/chp928973_ 720p.mp4 -1 st solo flight across the Atlantic: Charles Lindberg “Spirit of St. Louis” -Amelia Earhart-1 st female pilot