I. INTRODUCTION Define equality What should be the goal of equality? Is it equality of opportunity or equality of outcomes (i.e. results)? Define liberty Define freedom How do these terms differ?
II. EQUALITY BEFORE GOD “All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Equality before God is important precisely because people are not identical What do you think “created equal” means? How would you address this to someone without a Judeo-Christian background?
III. EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY Literal equality of opportunity is impossible due to nature and other external effects Best expressed as “a career open to the talents” No arbitrary obstacles should prevent someone from pursuing positions that they seek Equality of opportunity is an essential component of liberty
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr- I have a Dream
IV. EQUALITY OF OUTCOME “If all are to have ‘fair shares,’ someone or some group of people must decide what shares are fair- and they must be able to impose their decisions on others, taking from those who have more than their ‘fair’ share and giving to those who have less.” There is a fundamental conflict between the ideal of “fair shares” and the ideal of personal liberty Is life fair? Is it supposed to be fair?
IV. EQUALITY OF OUTCOME Class activity: have students decide final grade distribution How do you decide who determines “fair shares”?
V. WHO FAVORS EQUALITY OF OUTCOME? Short answer- very few, as evidenced by practice Very few redistribute wealth as would be required by equality of outcome So if very few people actually practice it, why is so much policy directed as equality of outcome?
V. WHO FAVORS EQUALITY OF OUTCOME? Are “the rich” rich at the expense of the poor? What do you think of Milton’s argument that inheritance of talent is, in principle, the same as monetary inheritance? Play video about Al Sharpton’s vision of equality. Contrast with King’s Dream speech
VI. CONSEQUENCES OF EGALITARIAN POLICIES “When the law interferes with people’s pursuit of their own values, they will try to find a way around.” As US policy has shifted toward equality of outcome, how has the US “lost” people?
VII. CAPITALISM AND EQUALITY Myth: free market capitalism is a system under which the rich exploit the poor Capitalism has benefited the common man more than any other system Non-capitalist countries have greater income inequality Why don’t non-capitalist systems provide better outcomes?
VIII. CONCLUSION “A society that puts equality ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom.” “…a society that puts freedom first will, as a happy by-product, end up with both greater freedom and greater equality.” True or False?