By: Mariam Fayad ALHawra ALShams
What is its job? And when was it created? It was created in July 1944 in Washington but started operation 2 years later. At that time it was around world war || and back then its job was to lend money to countries to repair damage caused during the war. Its job now is to provide low interest loans, interest-free credit, and grants to developing countries for education, health, communication, and many more important purposes.
How many members are in the world bank? There are 184 member countries that contribute many and decide how the money should be used. the top 10 counties that donate are Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, USA, Germany, Japan, Austria, Norway, France, Belgium/Luxembourg, Holland, Finland.
Advantages of the world bank. Lend money to to poor countries to help them develop. They collect from donating countries an estimate of $20 billion yearly. Interest-free loans unlike most other banks. Can help millions of poor people get health, education and job access. "The report shows that a number of African countries, including South Africa, are making progress in improving governance and fighting corruption. This is encouraging given that good governance and corruption control are fundamental for long- term growth and reducing poverty.” Corruption control in South Africa improves (South Africa) - Jul 12,
Disadvantages of world bank 3 out of 4 projects in Africa fail. Most of the time, governments and their companies misuse/steal the money. The poor countries repay what that they were in debt in to the rich countries more that what the rich countries pay them. The poor countries struggle to pay the debt back and its really hard. to do that they either have to make the people pay higher taxes or borrow more money to pay previous debts.
Our opinion of the world bank. We believe it’s a good idea but more effort needs to be put in it to make sure that the poor actually get the money.
Resources used: Hibbert, Adam. Globalization. Chicago: Raintree, Print. Compton's. Vol. 25. Britannica, Print. &searchtext=world+bank&type=simple&optio n=all&searchsites=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
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