Mark 6:30-44 Matthew 14:13-21, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:5-13 Jesus feeds 5000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish
Overview Background and context The people follow Jesus The people listen to Jesus Jesus feeds the people So what? Questions and comments?
Background and introductory comments Don’t want to look at – the reliability of the account – Jesus compassion (in a general sense) Details from other gospels –Matthew 14:21 – 5000 men besides women & children –John 6:8 – food brought by a small boy –John 6:14-15 – The people: recognised Jesus as a “great prophet” started to talk about making him king
Context Jesus had sent out the 12 to preach and heal the sick John the Baptist has just been beheaded The 12 return and report to Jesus all that they have done and taught The people were crowding round Jesus Jesus leads his disciples away to a “quiet place”
So what? Are we willing to make sacrifices when serving King Jesus? Service is for everyone – not just the experienced and knowledgeable We must recognise that service is tiring We must look after ourselves to be of ongoing use to the Lord
The people follow Jesus People from villages all around ran to where they were going Jesus doesn’t see them as a problem or inconvenience Jesus saw them as lost sheep without a shepherd Jesus had compassion and taught them many things
So what? Are we praying that the Lord would cause spiritually hungry people to seek him? How do we feel when people need our attention? Do we see sharing the gospel and teaching as acts of compassion? Are we praying that God will raise up leaders and teachers amongst us?
The people lost track of the time They were enthralled by Jesus teaching – Wanted to hear Him – Unconcerned about their physical needs The disciples draw Jesus’ attention to the problem Jesus puts the problem back to them! They missed the point!
So what? When was the last time we lost track of time in prayer / study / worship? Are we learning leadership and taking responsibility? Are we consistent in faith and service?
Jesus feeds the people Have all the people sit down Jesus gave thanks to God as was the tradition Don’t know precisely how this happened Everyone was satisfied Gathered up the left-overs – Gathered up more than they started with – Didn’t want to waste what God had provided
So what? Jesus can take the smallest resources and do great things with them Do we believe the gospel is able to satisfy every need? Do we want to make the best use of every blessing that God gives us?
Today’s take-away Are we ready to make sacrificial use of whatever gifts God has given us? Are we praying that He will place this hunger in unbelievers and that He will cause them to find the answer in Him? Are we looking after ourselves and each other? Are we so passionate about the Lord that we lose track of time with Him?