Ebola crisis December 2014. What is Ebola? Ebola is a virus that can make people very sick. Sadly, people can die from the disease. With the right medical.


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Presentation transcript:

Ebola crisis December 2014

What is Ebola? Ebola is a virus that can make people very sick. Sadly, people can die from the disease. With the right medical care and treatment, people can get better. But the only way to end this crisis, is to stop the spread of Ebola.

Ebola is affecting many people in West Africa. Schools and government buildings have had to close, and lots of people cannot travel to work. Many people have become sick or died from the disease. Where

CAFOD is working alongside people in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea to support them during this crisis. (Ivory Coast)

We are working with local people to help make sure they have what they need. We are raising awareness about ways to stop the disease from spreading. How is CAFOD helping?

We are providing hygiene buckets. These contain soap and chlorine, which help to kill the virus. How is CAFOD helping?

We are raising awareness about how important hand- washing and good hygiene is to help stop the disease from spreading. How is CAFOD helping?

We are also providing food to families who need it. How is CAFOD helping?

Let us pray... Loving God, Father of all, We pray for our sisters and brothers in West Africa. We ask that, through the power of your love, you bring comfort to those who need your help. Give hope to those who are affected by Ebola. And courage to those who are working to help and support them. Amen.

Picture credits: Caritas Internationalis cafod.org.uk/primary/emergencies