Light the Fire of Peer Coaching in Your School Ann Lumm Pam Gaviña Rene Castaneda Shelee King George
Welcome IntroductionsConnecting In this session….
Session Overview Effective professional development About the Peer Coaching Program Coaching in Practice
Synectic How is professional development like/not like a campfire?
Effective Professional Development On the job, job-embedded Long-term, ongoing Focused on classroom activities Highly collaborative environment Structured to offer chances to learn from others
Classroom Impact Type of Training Knowledge Mastery Skill Acquisition Classroom Application Theory85%15%5-10% PLUS Practice85%80%10-15% PLUS Peer Coaching Study Teams Class Visits 90% 80-90%
Think About Typical Technology Professional Development Traditional training Focus on tools Hands on Lacks opportunity for reflection
Misconceptions “If you buy it, they will use it.” “If you buy it, it will change the way children learn.” “If you buy it, it develops 21st Century skills.”
Our Dreams As Educators What skills do our students need for their future?
21 st Century Skills: US Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Written and Oral Communications Teamwork/Collaboration Diversity appreciation Information Technology Application Leadership
Infrastructure Investment in bandwidth but not “human bandwidth” Time to invest in the Human Infrastructure Taking the Challenge Taking the Challenge
Why Peer Coaching? Builds teacher leaders Collaboration and reflection Alignment - adds value
Light the fire How can we help teachers infuse technology to enhance the teaching and learning process?
Coaching in Practice Lighting the Fire
The Isaac Story Isaac District PD needs in Limited time, staff, funds, access to PD 13 schools and a family literacy center Technology integration professional development in One-shot training – no follow-ups
Coaching arrives Looking for a Peer-Coaching model ADE exploration of Puget Sound model EETT Grant requirement Facilitators trained Fall 2007 Start small – coaching with technology and math coaches Results
The Isaac Story Implementation 8 schools participating in first cohort, Jan. to Dec teachers Training structure Facilitator role Build capacity through model Second cohort will begin in Jan. 2009
Coaching Impact in Isaac Teacher leaders Teacher technology skills Learning communities Shift happens Student achievement Technology literacy Administration awareness
Testimonials “Helping teachers be their best.” Rachel Murphy “Collaborating with other teachers and learning from each other.” Marcia Suarez “Helping others integrate technology into the classroom.” Diane Scott “A great way to collaborate.” Janice Mc Nulty “A way to communicate effectively so you can collaborate with peer teachers.” Katie Darling “A continuous cycle of reflecting both by the coach and the collaborating teacher.” Tina Chiu “Having patience, understanding, and caring of the people you work with.” Araceli Rocha “Learning and putting into practice with collaborating teachers effective ways to integrate technology into the classroom.” Leticia Barrera
Peer Coaching is… “Learning how to support/create (a) professional learning community among peers to integrate technology in an emotionally safe and fun environment.” Nancy Gilloon
Peer Coaching is… “Collaborating with your co-workers and reflecting (on) ideas with them.” Peter Reyes
Peer Coaching is… “A cyclical journey of collaborating, life-long learning and mutual support.” Merlevic Tamondong
Peer Coaching is… “Collaborating with other teachers to help enhance their lessons using technology.” Tom Urias
Peer Coaching is… “Collaboration among educators with a variety of differentiated instruction, targeting technology integration.” Mary Gallegos
Feel the Glow
Peer Coaching Program Facilitatorhandbook Provides a Framework For a District or School CoachingHandbook On line training materials and resources Staff development activities and resources to develop teacher leaders Quote
Ways to get involved Use what you know now Become a coach Become a facilitator (Brochure) Brochure Advocate for leadership support to grow a peer coaching program
Questions and contact info Shelee King George Ann Lumm Pam Gaviña Rene Castaneda