Reading with your child at home… … a K-2 information session
What is reading? Reading is gaining meaning from print
The power of literature Dr Alyson Simpson
In learning to read… Children must learn to use different sources of information: Aural and Visual information Phonological and Graphological Information Information about the sounds of language and how it looks in print Structure Meaning Grammatical information Semantic information Information about correct language usage Information about what makes sense
A good reader: is motivated and interested knows his purpose for reading reads fluently concentrates well expects the text to make sense thinks about what he already knows will take risks copes with ambiguity fixes glitches
What knowledge and skills need to be taught? Concepts about print Phonemic awareness Letter-sound relationships (phonics) and how to apply it (word attack skills) High-frequency sight words Using context clues Self-correcting Choosing suitable books
Some children need additional targeted teaching to achieve this- a child may have all the necessary items of knowledge, but not know how to use them in reading – not know how to “make useful moves to solve his own problems” or he may have insufficient knowledge in one area to develop new strategies. Marie Clay
Supporting young children’s literacy development Dr Scott Paris
Strategies Before Reading Get to know the book Browse through Talk about the kind of book Nutshell synopsis
During Reading Tips for parents Pause, prompt praise Assist Listen Talk about pictures Pose a question
Pause, Prompt, Praise When a word is difficult: Pause Prompt: if your child makes a mistake Praise: when he reads a sentence, page or paragraph correctly or he self-corrects or he continues to make attempts at the word even if he is not successful TELL THE WORD BEFORE FRUSTRATION SETS IN!
Comprehension Literal: the answer is on the page Interpretive: the reader has to search for the answer. It may not be stated on the page but it can be worked out from the text. Inferential: bringing information from the text together with own knowledge and experience to make judgements or draw conclusions.
Appropriate Questions For After Reading Activities Did you enjoy the book? Why? Was there anything about it you did not like? How did you choose this book? Who were the characters? Which character was your favourite? Why? How can you describe that character? Could you reread your favourite piece? Could you think of another ending? Did you come across any unusual words? Can you find them? Are there any words you did not know the meaning of? Can you retell what happened in the story?
Using praise…
Dobroyd Point’s home-reading scheme Children progress through levels 1 to 20 (often by the end of Year 2 or earlier) and then begin to choose their own books from the school or local library, or from their own home collections. REMEMBER, IT IS NOT A RACE! It is important for children to learn to choose their own books, and not feel bound to levels or assessments. Rereading a favourite book, or enjoying a series is fine!
Keep reading times short and enjoyable, when you can devote your entire attention to your child and before he becomes too tired. K-2 children should read –aloud to a parent for 5 to 10 minutes, 5 times a week. –independently for 15 minutes each day (this can include being read to by a parent, especially for the younger children). School website - Reading at home
What is the aim of our home- reading scheme? for a child to have a positive reading experience with someone significant
Communicate with your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns OR if you have some good news to share about your child’s progress