Snapshot Survey of School Effective Factors What does the research say? What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action Robert Marzano Snapshot Survey of School Effective Factors Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Robert Marzano’s book “What does the research say? What works in Schools: Translating Research into Action” provides research and ideas that can address the question ,”How do you distinguish between environmental factors as the reason behind schools that may be performing below the standard? “ The Twelve key factors addressed in this book address the research that have been shown by research data to impact student achievement. The factors closely parallel the critical elements identified in effective schools.
What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action Marzano states, “My basic position is quite simple: Schools can have a tremendous impact on student achievement if they follow the direction provided by the research.” (p. 4). Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Our school will address the environmental factors that effect schools if the information found through research is followed.
Snapshot of School Effective Factors School-Level Factors A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum Challenging Goals and Effective Feedback Parent and Community Involvement Safe and Orderly Environment Collegiality and Professionalism Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. The snapshot survey states Twelve key factors divided into four groups that have been shown by research data to impact student achievement. The grouops are School-Level Factors, Teacher-Level Factors, Student-Level Factors, and Leadership. The first group is School-Level Factors The Factors are: A guaranteed and Viable Curriculum. Viability means ample instructional time to address the content standards. Schools or districts should identify content (standards) essential for all students, arrange in a sequence and by topic ("big idea"), and ensure enough time for opportunity to learn this essential content, versus that which is supplemental or necessary only for those seeking postsecondary education. Challenging goals, monitoring progress, and effective feedback. Shared responsibility for common goals is more important than friendships in establishing collegiality in a school. Goals must challenge all students and support closing the achievement gap for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Feedback must be given in a timely manner during the learning process (using formative as opposed to summative assessment), and assessments must measure the curriculum actually taught. The school should have only one or two goals for improvement, and every student should have personal goals as well. Parent and community involvement There should be two-way communication and various ways to involve parents in day-to-day activities and school reform. Parents and community members are key elements to successful schools. Safe and orderly environment Clear schoolwide rules and procedures, enforced with appropriate consequences for violations, lessen violence and disruptions, allowing for greater time and focus on core instruction. Teach self-discipline and responsibility, and involve students in the design of the disciplinary program of the school and district. Collegiality and professionalism Colleagues should share their mistakes, respect each other, and constructively criticize practices and procedures; collegiality is not about friendships. Teachers should be involved in school decisions and policies and should engage in meaningful, coherent staff development activities. Commentary notes from: Schools Moving Up – What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action retrieved from
Snapshot of School Effective Factors Teacher-Level Factors Instructional strategies Classroom management Classroom curriculum design Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. The second group is the Teacher – Level Factor Effective teachers can have a profound influence on students of all achievement levels, regardless of the levels of heterogeneity in their classes. Some studies show a 50-percentile point difference between three years of effective versus ineffective teachers. The Factors are: Instructional strategies Categories of strategies that affect student achievement are, in order of influence: Identifying similarities and differences Summarizing and note taking Reinforcing effort and providing recognition Homework and practice Nonlinguistic representations Cooperative learning Setting objectives and providing feedback Generating and testing hypotheses Questions and cues Advance organizers. The elements of lesson design include: Anticipatory set Objective and purpose Input Modeling Checking for understanding Guided practice Independent practice Classroom management. A system of both punishment and reinforcement has the strongest influence on student achievement when teachers articulate and consistently enforce a comprehensive set of classroom rules and procedures that is backed by a schoolwide approach. Teachers must be aware of the needs of different types of students and show students they care while maintaining a healthy emotional objectivity. Classroom management A system of both punishment and reinforcement has the strongest influence on student achievement when teachers articulate and consistently enforce a comprehensive set of classroom rules and procedures that is backed by a schoolwide approach. Teachers must be aware of the needs of different types of students and show students they care while maintaining a healthy emotional objectivity. Classroom curriculum design Effective teachers identify important concepts and skills to be learned and assessed, use a variety of input modes to present new content multiple times, group content by similar features, and engage students in complex tasks that address content in unique ways. Student argumentation is most effective in dispelling misconceptions, followed by student discussion. Commentary notes from: Schools Moving Up – What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action retrieved from
Snapshot of School Effective Factors Student-Level Factors Home Environment Learned Intelligence and Background Knowledge Student Motivation Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. The third group is the Student-Level Factors The Factors are: Home environment. Home environment that fosters learning (reading to children, helping with homework, encouraging them to go to college, and taking them to the library and cultural events) matters much more than parent income or education level. The school can provide training and communication about school, parenting styles, and expectations. Learned intelligence and background knowledge There are two types of learned intelligence: intelligence as knowledge (crystallized) of facts, generalizations, and principles intelligence as cognitive processes (fluid) of mental procedures, abstract reasoning, working memory capacity and efficiency. Background knowledge has a dramatic influence on achievement. Programs should involve students in many, varied life experiences. Broad reading and direct instruction help students to develop ample vocabulary. Student Motivation Provide feedback on students' knowledge gain; engage them with interesting learning activities and long-term projects that require constructing knowledge and applying skills; and teach students about the dynamics of motivation. Commentary notes from Schools Moving Up – What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action retrieved from
Snapshot of School Effective Factors Critical Factor for Effective Schools is the Leadership- Level Factor Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Dr. Marzano considers Leadership,the critical role factor which “could be considered the single most important aspect of effective school reform…it influences every aspect of the model presented in this book.” (p. 172) A critical role for school leadership is to guide a school community to examine the unique, individual strengths and needs of it’s students, staff, and community. Marzano says,“…Just because the research indicates that a particular school-level factor is important to student achievement doesn’t mean that it is important in a given school…. In the new era of school reform, schools will look carefully at the research, but then determine which factors apply to their particular context” (p.158). Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Snapshot of School Effective Factors 6 Action Steps Continue collecting data about the current conditions in your school. Begin at the end. Choose a set of factors for a school-wide focus. Investigate different factors in small groups. Build on past successes. Share your work with colleagues. Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Marzano suggests 6 action steps to improve and develop effective schools. They are: Continue collecting data about the current conditions in your school The “Snapshot Survey of School Effective Factors” developed by Dr. Marzano is a tool which schools can “take their current pulse” in terms of the twelve factors. The survey can be used in it’s entirety, or staff can be asked to respond to selected sections. Begin at the end of the book Chapter 18, “The Critical Role of Leadership” Choose a set of factors for a school-wide focus Select a group of factors (School, Teacher, or Student) as a whole school. focus. Investigate different factors in small groups Encourage teams and individual teachers to select one factor (IE – Classroom Management) as an area for self-evaluation and growth. Use the Action Steps for specific suggestions about the incorporation of research into school and classroom improvements. Build on past successes Examine your school’s progress in an individual factor that was an emphasis in your school last year. Analysis this factor in light of the research and Action Steps. Share your work with colleagues tell colleagues in other schools about the successes and challenges you encounter along the way to creating an effective school. Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
References Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Schools Moving Up – What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action retrieved from