Are you applying to graduate school? CVs, rec letters, and other misc. stuff
What do you need for your application 1. Completed application 2. GRE scores 3. Transcript 4. Personal statement 5. Recommendation letters (3) 6. Curriculum Vita 7. Writing samples / essays (depends on school)
What you need for your application 0 This differs by school 0 Keep a well organized list of schools with deadlines and application requirements
Recommendation letters 0 Need 2-4 depending on school 0 Who to ask?? 0 Research supervisor 0 Professor 0 Academic advisor 0 Someone who 0 knows you well 0 has worked with you 0 Has a positive opinion of you and your abilities
Recommendation Letters 0 Cultivate personal relationships early on 0 Ask them “Can you write me a strong letter?” 0 NOT “Can you write a letter?” 0 Should they address weaknesses? 0 Depends…. 0 Give your writers plenty of time (3-4) weeks 0 Always waive your rights to view the letter 0 Not waiving conveys distrust / something to hide
Recommendation letters 0 Now that you have three letter writers – what should you give them to prepare? 0 HANDOUT 0 Gentle reminder 10 days before it is due 0 Thank you note
Curriculum Vitae (CV) Origin is Latin-“course of one’s life” 0 Note “vitae”(vee-tie or vee-te) is the plural form; “vita”(vee-tuh) is singular 0 There is not really a “right” way to do a CV. 0 However, there are some things that make the viewing easier, make you look more professional, and include things reviewers want to see. 0 Your CV may be different than someone else. 0 What’s important is that you keep one up to date.
Resume vs. CV 0 Resume 0 Length: Short 0 Content: All-inclusive summary of skills, experiences, and education 0 Purpose: get employment (or interview) 0 Curriculum Vitae 0 Length: As long as it needs to be 0 Content: Area-specific listing of education and academic background 0 Purpose: Detail background and qualifications
Don’t forget, a CV needs to be… 0 Clear: Well-organized and logical 0 Concise: Relevant and necessary 0 Complete: Includes everything you need 0 Consistent: Don’t mix styles or fonts 0 Consistent structure / wording 0 Gapping (shortened sentences) 0 Current: Up-to-date
CV -what to include? 0 Gear it toward position you are applying for 0 i.e. teaching vs. research position 0 Not one standard format 0 But – be consistent, concise and not showy 0 Look for examples on professors pages 0 HANDOUT 0 My CV
Professionalism 0 Professional 0 Not 0 Use your full name or your DePaul address 0 Be professional in your message 0 Proofread, double check you included everything
Misc. info 0 Interview questions handout 0 Information posted on Psi Chi webpage 0 Binder of handouts in peer advising office Evaluation 0 Thank you and GOOD LUCK!!
Any questions? 0 Come talk to me!! Byrne Hall 518