31st Annual Western Regional Conference Teaching Skills That Make a Difference Jack States The Wing Institute
Where Do Teachers Rank?
What Effective Teachers Do That Makes the Difference Create A Classroom Climate Conducive to Learning Systematically Assess Student Progress Use Instructional Strategies That Effectively Deliver Instruction
What is Our Level of Analysis? Package - Good Behavior Game - Reciprocal Teaching Systems - RtI - PBIS Practice Elements - Differential Reinforcement - Mastery Learning
Classroom Management - Classroom Climate
What is the Impact of Classroom Management? Appropriate Behavior Classroom Management
Effective Classroom Management Strategies Marzano, 2003
8 Classroom Management Practice Elements 1.School-wide expectations (Solomon, et al. 2012) (Marquis et al., 2000) 2.Classroom rules and procedures (Oliver and Reschly, 2007) 3.Structured environment (Maxwell, 1966) (Oliver and Reschly, 2007) 4.Instruction (explicit instruction and formative assessment) (Simonsen et al., 2012) 5.Behavior Management (Simonsen et al., 2012) (Emry and Biglan, 2008) Active supervision (Oliver and Reschly, 2007) Pre-teaching (Carnine, 1980) (Lalley and Miller, 2006) Recognizing appropriate behavior -Contingent specific praise (Leblanc et al., 2005) (Matheson and Shriver, 2005) -Class-wide group contingencies (Cooper, Heron, and Heward, 2007) -Behavior contracts (Alberto and Troutman, 2006) (Kelly and Stokes., 1984) -Token economies (Cooper, Heron, and Heward, 2007) 6. Reduction of inappropriate behavior (Simonsen et al., 2012) (Emry and Biglan, 2008) Explicit reprimands (brief, contingent, specific error correction) (Harris et al., 2003) Performance feedback (students provided charts, graphs, and reports) Differential reinforcement (DRL, DRO, DRA, DRI) (Conyers et al., 2003) Ignoring (Cooper, Heron, and Heward, 2007) Response cost (Conyers et al., 2004) (Filcheck et al., 2004) Time-out (Risley, 2005)
Delivering Instruction
What is the Impact of Education Philosophy on Teaching? Hattie, 2009 Explicit InstructionConstructivist Teacher role is to teach The student as learner is self directed Teacher is responsible for learning Teacher is responsible for facilitating learning Role of the teacher is to provide effective systematic instruction tied to goals Role of the teacher is to provide the context and process for students to discover concepts and learn skills and knowledge
What is the Impact of Education Philosophy on Teaching? Hattie, 2009
Effective Instructional Strategies
Less Effective Instructional Practices * Hattie, 2009 ** Kavale, 1987
Importance of Assessing Progress
Assessment Methods
Formative Assessment Fuchs and Fuchs, 1986
Summary Classroom Climate (Classroom Management) Instruction Delivery (Explicit Instruction) Assessment (Formative Assessment)