ERCOT 2014 Hurricane Drill (HD) Summary Brian Barcalow Training Specialist, Sr.
HD Drill was conducted May 13 th and 14 th –Provided remote access to the ERCOT simulator for Market Participants (24 of the participants utilized this service) TOs/TDSPs had access to the Macomber Map and WebFG with full privileges to perform switching, control voltage, etc. QSEs had access to WebFG only and this was Read Only due to how the simulator works. All participants that requested access to the simulator were issued multiple logins. –Forum phone system in the OTS for hotline calls All Hotline calls were initiated in the OTS using the FORUM system
HD Participants Entity TypeNumber of Entities Number of Participants Number of NERC Certified Participants ERCOT/NERC Reliability Training Hours TO/TDSP19 *200 **59 **632 ** QSE34 *292**42 **721 ** ERCOT OperatorsN/A6696 ERCOT Support/Trainers N/A5580 Totals ,529 ** This is based on data from the Market Participants that submitted critiques. TO/TDSP: 13 out of 19 QSE: 21 out of 34 * This is based on Market Participants that responded to Hotline calls on the day of the Drill. TO/TDSP: 19 out of 19 QSE: 34 out of 34
4 Participant Feedback Was ERCOT’s level of involvement the correct amount? If no, please explain. All participants overwhelmingly thought that ERCOT’s involvement was the correct amount for the drill. One suggested more updates from ERCOT on the second day. Prior to the start of the drill, did you have the external phone lists you needed? Also describe any problems with phones, fax, s, radios, etc. All participants agreed that all the contact numbers for the drill were correct and provided to them in a timely manner. There were minor issues with the Hotline calls. A few participants stated issues with static. ERCOT operators re-initiated the calls to ensure all participants received the messages. This did not cause any major issues for any of the participants.
5 Participant Feedback Did you use ERCOT’s simulator (Macomber Map / WebFG) during your participation in the drill? If yes, did you experience any problems with your remote access to the ERCOT simulator? –TO/TDSP Response: A majority of the TOs used the Macomber Map and WebFG. No major issues were identified. –QSE Response: 8 QSEs used WebFG and no major issues were identified.
6 Participant Feedback List other lessons learned, as well as any recommendations for improvement of the drill. –Most participants agree that the overall drill went well. Some of the lessons learned were as follows: Identified internal emergency procedures and notifications that needed to be revised or updated. Identified issues with some of their communication tools (radios, phones, etc.) Identified the need for additional staff for participation in severe weather drills.
7 Participant Feedback Recommendations for future drills: –Provide access to the Macomber Map for QSEs (ongoing) –Allow QSEs to operate their equipment (ongoing) –Engage more plants in simulated drills and also simulate changes to base points at plants –Provide additional training on the use of the simulator (user guide) –Due to the nature and locale of the storm, incorporate multiple tornados in other regions to allow interaction with more of the participants. –Displays with more real-time updates. –Provide more training on the simulator.
ERCOT Recommendations For Future Drills
9 Hurricane Drill 2014 Participants utilize Coordinators that are not shift workers. Coordinator’s disseminate all information supplied by ERCOT to all personnel scheduled to participate in the drill (have fully informed backups) For the drill to be meaningful for all participants, communication with ERCOT regarding simulator access is essential (please respond to s requesting you to contact the ERCOT Coordinator for user name, password, and test dates for accessing the simulator). Market Participants are welcome to submit in-house scenarios for each event. ERCOT will evaluate all requests and incorporate as many as possible. Participant RSVPs and information needs to be returned to ERCOT no later than the scheduled dates. ERCOT will develop more detailed training material for use of the simulator.