LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 1 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: Access Control and Safety System for the LHC Experiments P. Ninin L. Scibile T. Ladzinski
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 2 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: Scope LHC Access Control System LACS Off-the-shelf Access Equipement LHC Access Safety System LASS Interlock System Beam => No Access Access => No Beam (Nuclear category) Integrated concept for LHC Machine & Experiments to protect people against the LHC radiation hazards. Each Experiment is one single Access sector
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 3 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: Scope of supply to the Experiments Provision of a access control and safety system. This system consists of: Grids Locks Personal and material access points, Patrol system Monitoring software Machine Interlock system.
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 4 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: LHC Underground areas classification
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 5 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: Access to future interlocked areas The LHC sites access control systems The LHC buildings access control systems the LHC experimental services areas access control systems: for ACCESSIBLE areas during beam operation Special for the LHC INSTALLATION period only!
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 6 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: the LHC accelerator and experiment access control systems: For NON ACCESSIBLE areas during beam operation The LHC sites access control systems The LHC buildings access control systems the LHC experimental services areas access control systems: for ACCESSIBLE areas during beam operation In LHC OPERATION ?
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 7 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: From card to dosimeter - the plan is: During LHC Installation -New LHC Access control system gradually operational in pit access points (and elsewhere) Operational in PM85, PM76, PM45 -Renewal of the Access points of the non-interlocked areas will be done after LHC start-up Minimized perturbation for users -Renew their access card (Bat 55) -No Biometry Assistance provided by the CSA & CCC For LHC Operation -Biometry enrolment will start in June 07 -Access badge integrated into the dosimeter -Delivered in Bat55
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 8 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: LHC Access Control System Goals: Control access to the LHC installation (INB) Manage users’ access rights Identify user Verify authorization Automatic or remote access control Status: -LHC4 : PM45 access point under test, UJ43 & UJ47 installation completed -LHC5: Preparation of the installation -LHC 8: installation completed and local acceptance test started
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 9 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: LHC Access as seen by the Experiments Local Experiment Room Access Console -Allows the experiment to operate their access points in only in Restricted Access mode, after delegation by the CCC -Remote supervision includes audio and video Software interface is available to get information from the Access system about User entry/exit and Operational states.
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 10 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: LES MODES D’ EXPLOITATION Ghislain Roy - Louis. Hammouti FAISCEAU LHC FAISCEAU TI2FAISCEAU TI8 Mode ACCES LHC Mode ACCES Pt 2Mode ACCES Pt 8 Acces tunnel (sites 1, 6) Acces tunnel (site 2) Delegation ALICE Delegation Atlas, CMS Delegation LHC_B Acces tunnel (site 8) Delegation RF M.A.- E.ST. Acces tunnel Hors zone RF (site 4) M.A. -RF Acces RF Acces LHC-BAcces service (site 8) Acces AliceAcces service (site 2) Acces service (sites 1, 4, 6) Acces tunnel (sites 3, 5, 7) Acces experience Atlas, CMS
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 11 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: LE PUPITRE DE CONTROLE Ghislain Roy - Louis. Hammouti
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 12 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: Delegation Synchronised operation from XCR and CCC Only the Access requests are re-routed to XCR (No control of any Machine related element). Audio & Video control Delegation cancelled by a LASS VETO or by the CCC
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 13 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: LHC Access Safety System Goals: Protect personnel during Beam operation -nobody inside - Stop LHC if a door is forced Allow Access operation when safety conditions are met -No radiation hazards (LHC beam, RF). Nuclear Safety system -Audits by the French Nuclear Authority INB Status: -Successful Factory acceptance of the CCR and LHC8 racks -LHC4 – LHC5 rack design and fabrication started -Ongoing Cabling verification in LHC5 -Installation of the LHC8 racks completed and on going in CCR
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 14 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: LHC8 - LHCb Installation completed Patrol definition done LHC8 Functional tests starting mid-February LACS console in XCR – June 07
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 15 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: Layout of LHCb in UX85 Area
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 16 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: LHC5 - CMS Access safety aspects managed by the LASS -Safety of the underground UX area (sector 12) Any entry into this zone SHALL be detected by the system. No unmonitored “holes” may exist… Patrol definition done Installation: 18/02- 15/04 -Constraints ? LHC5 functional testing 15/04 – 27 April LACS console in XCR – June 07 Sectorisation completed
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 17 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS:
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 18 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: LHC1-ATLAS Access safety aspects managed by the LASS and the SSA for the Patrol aspects. ATLAS detector is patrolled by ATLAS. -Cfr Elena’s slideshow Installation: 26/02- 27/04 -Constraints ? LHC1 functional testing 15/04 – 27 April LACS console in XCR – June 07 Most of grids in place, TE 14 & 16 will be relocate Installation of UPX16 & ULX15 could start end of February -To be coordinated between us and you!
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 19 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS:
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 20 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS:
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 21 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: LHC2- ALICE Installation and commissioning planned for the summer 07 Patrol definition planned for the 21/02
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 22 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: LHC2- ALICE
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 23 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: Access via PX24
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 24 Authors: P. Ninin, L. Scibile, T. LadzinskiEDMS: Conclusion Good progress – despite a hesitant Contractor. Expect to be ready as planned (Master Schedule) Co-ordination with the Experiments: we need a better definition of linkmen for different aspects. Presently we are sometimes grasping for the right person…(wastes our and your time). Operational issues - only discussions with the Machine. Any Experimental point of view?