Pre-Excavation Rock Evaluation 1)Goal- Excavate the largest possible safe and stable detector chamber 2) Procedure a) measure characteristics of the rock mass-governed by the underground stress state and the geomechanical and fluid-flow properties of the rock mass. b) based on those measurements, model the excavation & the necessary rock wall and roof supports + internal mounting connections
Rock Characterization 1) Obtain samples of the rock by coring 2) Evaluate the cores - compressive strength, joints, invasive materials 3) Utilize the core holes to: a)examine & test the rock surface of the holes, b) explore the region of rock between core holes- c) Set up long term stress and motion sensors
What is Already Known? The Yates member of the Poorman formation appears very strong and has minimal joints. It was not extensively explored because it does not contain gold. This is the section of rock that houses the Davis cavity (chlorine solar neutrino detector)– stable for over 40 years preliminary study conclusions & recommendations
2001 Excavation Study One location, known as site 3, looked particularly attractive. It was in the Yates member of the Poorman formation on the 4850 ft level and adjacent to the existing chlorine solar neutrino detector. Unfortunately, at that time it was not possible to obtain rock cores from the interior of the rock formations and only surface rocks were collected. Based on these an evaluation of large excavations was carried out. At that time, in 2001, we set the baseline excavation as a 50-meter diameter by 50-meter high vertical cylinder. The RQD (Rock Quality Designation) of site 3 was initially evaluated as 100 and then downgraded to 85 to adjust for the possibility that there are unknown joints in that rock. The unconfined compressive strength of that rock sample was 186 MPa. As a comparison, the Kamioka Mine rock at the location of the Super Kamiokande excavation (40-meter diameter by 40 meter high cylinder with an additional 18 meter high domed roof) has a RQD = 84 and unconfined compressive strength of 149 MPa (Nakagawa et al., 1997; Yamatomi et al., 1999).
Boltable, Gasketed, Reinforced Concrete Segments
Cable Bolt Lengths – from Barton
2009 Proposal & Plan Penn, Wisconsin, Stanford, Clemson 1)Drill core holes, extract oriented cores – measure unconstrained rock strength-LBL 2)View inside of core holes with a televiewer 3)Examine each hole & structure between holes with an acoustic array – reflection & transmission 4)Measure constrained rock strength by hydro- fracture 5)Install fiber optic sensors to monitor changes in stress & movement – before, during & after excavation
U.S.G.S.Example ofcomparison of Optical, acoustic and thermal televiewer outputs – West Virginia water system
Televiewer Specifications Diameter: 50mm Length: 1.51m including natural-gamma option Radial Resolution: 720 pixels/360° maximum vertical Resolution: 1mm Sensor type: CCD 768x494 elements Orientation: Any Lighting: Internal ‘white’ LEDs; external for diameters up to 300mm (12in). External lighthead for larger diameters available.
3D Virtual Core Display
Cased Hole Inspection
Optical Fiber Stress Sensor Bragg Grating Technology