Cedric Reese APOCALYPTO Literature of the Western World Professor Mattox
Author Mel Gibson (born January 3, 1956) is an American-Australian actor, Academy Award winning director and producer. Born in the U.S., he moved to Australia when he was 12 years old and he later studied acting at the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney. After establishing himself as a household name with the Mad Max and Lethal Weapon series, Gibson went on to direct and star in the Academy Award-winning Brave heart. Gibson's direction of Brave heart made him the sixth actor-turned-filmmaker to receive an Oscar for Best Director. In 2004, he directed and produced The Passion of the Christ, a blockbuster movie that portrayed the last hours of the life of Jesus. Gibson is an honorary Officer of the Order of Australia and was ranked the world's most powerful celebrity in the annual list by Forbes magazine in 2004.January 31956AmericanAustralianactor Academy Awarddirector producerAustralia National Institute of Dramatic ArtMad MaxLethal Weapon Academy AwardBrave heartOscarBest Director The Passion of the Christ blockbusterJesusOfficer of the Order of AustraliaForbes
Apocalypto A movie about a young man name Jaguar Paw from the Central American civilization that who was prophesied to as a child that he will be a great leader some day. He was captured and his tribe was being destroyed by a evil leader, the men at that time was being tormented & sacrificed and the women was being sold and made slaves. A movie about a young man name Jaguar Paw from the Central American civilization that who was prophesied to as a child that he will be a great leader some day. He was captured and his tribe was being destroyed by a evil leader, the men at that time was being tormented & sacrificed and the women was being sold and made slaves.
Apocalypto The title is a Greek term which means "an unveiling" or "new beginning. The title is a Greek term which means "an unveiling" or "new beginning.Greek Each member of this tribe had a tattoo which symbolized “seven” and mean complete. Each member of this tribe had a tattoo which symbolized “seven” and mean complete.
Theme Seeds of its own destruction Seeds of its own destruction The reason it was name this cause we are similar to people found in other past civilizations. Even though we don’t believe in what they believe in, but we struggle with the same struggles other civilizations struggle with. Mel Gibson states this comparison are the same "forces" that are "occurring in our society now." Apocalypto is partially intended as a political comparison about civilizations and how we as a people react to our leaders. The reason it was name this cause we are similar to people found in other past civilizations. Even though we don’t believe in what they believe in, but we struggle with the same struggles other civilizations struggle with. Mel Gibson states this comparison are the same "forces" that are "occurring in our society now." Apocalypto is partially intended as a political comparison about civilizations and how we as a people react to our leaders.
Setting of the film The film is set in Mesoamerica, during the period immediately before the Spanish conquest. It focuses on the decline of the Maya civilization which reached its zenith around 600 AD. The film is set in Mesoamerica, during the period immediately before the Spanish conquest. It focuses on the decline of the Maya civilization which reached its zenith around 600 AD.MesoamericaSpanish conquestdecline of the Maya civilizationMesoamericaSpanish conquestdecline of the Maya civilization
Purpose of the Movie The movie is an attempt to illustrate the parallels between leaders of the past and the leaders of today. The movie is an attempt to illustrate the parallels between leaders of the past and the leaders of today. To show how people can be lead astray by being under the wrong leader To show how people can be lead astray by being under the wrong leader
Destiny A great civilization is not conquered from without until it is destroyed from within.
The Right Connection He was driven by the power of his love for his wife and son. He was driven by the power of his love for his wife and son. Who you are connected to is very important when it comes to your destiny. Who you are connected to is very important when it comes to your destiny.
Ending It’s never how you started in life, but it’s how you end up that’s what important!!! It’s never how you started in life, but it’s how you end up that’s what important!!! Ecclesiates 7:8a Better is the end of a thing than its beginning.