Global H1N1 pandemic influenza update (Oct 2009) and overview including critical animal-human interface risk factors. Jan Slingenbergh, Senior Officer, Animal Health Service FAO of the UN Rome, Italy slide 1
slide 2
mallard passerines other ducks anatidae waterbirds domestic ducks and geese other, terrestrial poultry avian - mammalian host barrier pathogen species barrier Influenza type A Influenza type B humans pigs cats prey birds sea mammals horses dogs Host radiation – from generalist to specialist mink ferret slide 3
Influenza A host radiation - agricultural encroachment human influenza A H1,3 HPAI H5,7 + H9 / other HA subtypes terrestrial poultry H1, 3 + ? in domestic pigs H1-16 domestic waterfowl wild water bird reservoir H1-16 terrestrial wild birds H1-16 ? H1 ? others? H1H1 H3?H3? H 1,3 HPAI H 5, 7 + H 9 HPAI H 5, 7 + H 9 ? ? H 1,3 H ? ? * * * HPAI H 5 ? H 7 ? H HPAI H 5 H7?H7? H ? * : so far not sustained; spill- over only * slide 4
Poultry in the World slide 5
Global pre-pandemic influenza alert system RT monitoring of virus evolution in hot-spots of animal-human contact FAO data: losses costs A.H. health protection strategy O/I AGRIPOP / ARALAND. maps of bio-security + health protection regimes FAO pig / poultry flu activity / invasibility proxies FAO/OIE/WHO lab networks sequence data virus evolution WHO related human flu activity monitoring human animal validation geo-spatial analysis risk mapping pig + poultry intensification maps slide 6
Poultry in Asia slide 7
Poultry in Vietnam (2002) slide 8
slide 9
slide 10
slide 11
niches in the disease landscape HPAI in domestic waterfowl slide 12
H5N1 niche map slide 13