Animal Behavior Vocab Ethology: Study of Animal Behavior Behavior: Action performed in response to stimulus
Stimulus Stimulus – Something that elicits a response Some examples: Sight Touch Smell Taste Sound
Other Stimuli Heat Light Chemicals Humidity Vibration Color Gravity Pressure **Presence of another animal** Any Others??
Stimuli External Stimulus: Something outside the animal Examples: Sound Sight Smell Presence of another animal Etc.
Stimuli Internal Stimulus: Something inside the animal Examples: Hunger Fatigue Feeling cold Hormones
Types of Behavior 1. Foraging – Feeding Example: Locate Obtain And Consume food
Types of Behavior 2. Parental Care – Ensuring survival of young Example: Carrying Nursing Cuddling Holding young
Types of Behavior 3. Courtship – attracting a mate Example: Courtship displays Bright feathers Songs Other vocalizations Head butting Fighting
Types of Behavior 4. Reproductive: Example: Mating Giving Birth
Types of Behavior 5. Offensive/Defensive – Aggression, submissive behavior, defense from aggressors Example: Hiding Fighting Escape Threatening
Types of Behavior 6. Territorial – Protect a resource for exclusive use Example: Scenting/Marking Birdsong Protection of mate Offspring Space Food or water source
Types of Behavior 7. Social – Work to create alliances, help the group Example: Grooming Babysitting Defense of young Play Play fight
Types of Behavior 8. Migratory – Movement to a more suitable environment as seasons change Examples: Dry vs. Rainy seasons Winter vs. Summer range for birds **Salmon going upriver to spawn**
Types of Behavior 9. Communication – signaling between one animal and another. Example: Greeting (Sniff, Hug, Kiss, “Bite”) Aggression (Charge, Bite, Hit, Fight) Non-aggression (Patting, Head butting) Grooming (Bonding, Alliances, keeping clean) Group Hunting (Hyenas, Lions)
Types of Behavior Communication Continued….. Vocalizations: Bark, Growl, Snort, Howl, Hoot, Chirp, Whinny, Alarm Sound, Other Language Non-verbal Signaling: Showing teeth, looking away, looking directly at, gesturing, thumping, beating chest, raising hackles or hood, drumming, tail slap, snorting, etc.
Why communicate? Defense (Warn Away) Examples: ???? Alliance (Get help or mate) Elicit Play
Types of Behavior 10. Curiosity – Investigating new stimulus in environment. Example: Approach Sniff Chew Bite Mount
Types of Behavior 11. Elimination – Defecation, urination
Types of Behavior 12. Resting- Apparent inaction Example: Lying down Sitting Basking Sleeping
Types of Behavior 13. Play Purpose – Training for life Example Defense Hunting Etc. Smartest Fish