A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Effective Use of the Social Web in Organisations: Making a Business Case for Use of the Social Web UKOLN is supported by: This work is licensed under a Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) Session Aims In this session you will apply the knowledge you have gained by developing promotional plans for areas of interest to you. Session Aims In this session you will apply the knowledge you have gained by developing promotional plans for areas of interest to you. Brian Kelly & Ann Chapman UKOLN University of Bath Bath, UK Resources bookmarked using ‘ ili2010-workshop ' tag
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk 2 Contents Introduction Case Studies: Use of Blogs Beyond Blogs – the Role of Twitter Reasons For a Library Blog or Twitter Account Beyond Blogs: Social Networks What are the Barriers? Addressing the Barriers Making a Business Case Conclusions Introduction
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Review You should now: Know about the potential provided by the Social Web Understand possible barriers and ways of addressing such barriers But how would you apply your knowledge: In real world areas of relevance? Within the current political and economic context? 3
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Political Context David Camefon 4 X
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk
Exercises: The Context In groups you will now: Prepare a case for funding (or approval) for the implementation of a promotional strategy Note that you will provide a summary to a panel who will approve the best submissions The panel comprises: An enthusiast: a user of social media A sceptic: it’s full of trivia 6 Exercise
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Scenarios 1Institutional / Departmental Challenges Wolves are at the door. Will your library survive? What will you do? 2Opportunities for your Service You’ve launched a great new service. How do you promote it? You’ve an established (old media) marketing team 3Opportunities for your Project You’ve received project funding for a short period – and no marketing budget. 4Your Choice Select your own scenario 7 Scenarios Details examples provided in handout
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Your Proposal You should prepare your case and make a brief (~2 mins) presentation. Your presentation should address three of the following issues: 1.The key messages you wish to communicate 2.The user benefits 3.The resource requirements 4.The staff responsible for the work 5.Approaches to sustainability 6.The tools you will use 7.The evidence to demonstrate value 8.The risks & approaches to managing such risks 9.Ethical considerations 10.… 8
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Any Questions? 9 E
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Your Proposals Now provide a summary of your proposals 10
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Questions Any questions? 11 Name: Brian Kelly Address: UKOLN, University of Bath, BATH, UK Web site: Blog: Twitter: briankelly and ukwebfocus (automated feed) Name: Brian Kelly Address: UKOLN, University of Bath, BATH, UK Web site: Blog: Twitter: briankelly and ukwebfocus (automated feed)