Homelessness Collaboration Consortium Minigrant Webinar Wednesday, April 25, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Homelessness Collaboration Consortium Minigrant Webinar Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Introduction: Who are we? The National Center for Homeless Education The North Carolina Homeless Education Program The NC Head Start State Collaboration Office Together, we are the Homelessness Collaboration Consortium.

The North Carolina Homeless Education Program (NCHEP) is the Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program for the state of North Carolina. The National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) is the U.S. Department of Education’s homeless education technical assistance and information center. Both programs: Provide technical assistance Have a helpline Conduct webinars Have a listserv Provide informational and awareness materials

Seeks to build a coordinated early care and education system in NC. Pursues 10 federal priorities, including coordinating Head Start services for children and families experiencing homelessness. The NC Head Start State Collaboration Office is part of the Office of Early Learning (DPI).

Head Start in North Carolina Head Start services (age 3 to 5) are administered in all 100 counties in NC. Early Head Start services (age birth to 3 and expectant mothers) are administered in 24 counties in NC. Homeless children and families are categorically eligible for participation in HS / EHS. NC HS programs serve 23,000 children annually.

Why offer a minigrant? Our goal is to stimulate partnerships leading to long term collaboration. This minigrant is a collaborative opportunity for both LEAs and Head Start Programs to: –work together to build new relationships or strengthen existing ones. –improve services to homeless children and families.

Why collaborate? Federally mandated for both programs. Strengthens relationships between Head Start and LEAs. Increases the capacity of both programs to –Identify and refer eligible children. –Ensure preschool placements for homeless children birth to 5. –Create / Raise community awareness.

About the minigrant: what are the Eligibility Criteria? 1.Proposals must be submitted jointly by a team that minimally consists of one NC Local Education Agency (LEA) and the corresponding Head Start grantee in the same service area. 2.Head Start grantees may also include Regional, Migrant/Seasonal, and Tribal programs. 3.The lead agency and fiscal agent must be the LEA.

Can a consortium apply? Applications may also be submitted by a consortium of the following compositions: –Two or more LEAs / Head Start Program teams within the same county or between counties. –LEA / Head Start Program teams with either a charter school, Head Start or Early Head Start delegate agency, or both, within the same service area.

What are the allowable uses of funds? Awarded funds must be used strategically for activities that will –Form the basis for ongoing collaboration between Head Start and LEA (school district) McKinney- Vento programs and –Increase the access of Head Start services to children 0-5 experiencing homelessness Proposed activities cannot be currently supported through any other funding or agencies.

What are examples of allowable uses of funds? Costs related to conducting meetings or events related to –Development of a service coordination plan and/or memorandum of agreement between Head Start and McKinney-Vento programs. –Community awareness and identification of children birth to five and families who are experiencing homelessness.

Examples of allowable uses of funds (cont) Community task force development to address the comprehensive needs of children and families birth to five who are experiencing homelessness. Cross-training activities for Head Start and McKinney-Vento programs.

Examples of allowable uses of funds (cont) Staff time for tasks specifically related to meeting planning, document development, task force management. Costs related to document development and publication (newsletters, public service announcements, resource manual, social media).

What usages of funds are not allowable? Direct services to children and families (e.g. hiring staff – including substitute teachers – funding transportation services, etc.). Cost for activities that would supplant ongoing activities currently funded by the Administration for Children and Families, school districts, or McKinney- Vento sub-grants.

Overview of the application Follow the instructions, include the required information. Determine goals, measurable outcomes. Ensure that goals, activities, outcomes, and budget align. Read and sign the assurance page – your “contract”. Submit electronically by the deadline.

What is the Approach and Outcome Table? Activities Target Date of Completion Measurable Outcome(s)Documentation and Data Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Approach and Outcome Table Project Goals, Activities, Outcomes, Data (Complete for each Goal) Add rows as necessary Duplicate this chart as needed for each goal.

What will make our minigrant competitive? Attention will be given to those proposals that: –Create a strong foundation for ongoing collaboration between Head Start and school district McKinney-Vento programs; –Include activities and plans for increasing the access of Head Start and Early Head Start services to homeless children and families; and –Include plans for collaborative activities that will continue beyond the scope of the grant.

How do we submit the minigrant application? All questions about the minigrant should be directed to Karen Madrone at All applications must be ed to Karen Madrone at The signature/assurance pages must be faxed to Karen Madrone at The DEADLINE is 5:00p.m. Thursday, May 31.


Contact Information Diana Bowman, Director of NCHE Khari Garvin, Director, NC HSSCO Lisa Phillips, State Coordinator for NCHEP Karen Madrone, Program Specialist for NCHEP