AOE Quarterly Meeting December 8, 2011
Agenda Update from Warren Newton AOE Grants Committee – Ed Kernick Mentorship discussion with emphasis on AHEC’s – Tricia White AOE Curriculum – Barry Saunders AOE Awards Committee – Peadar Noone AOE Educational Policy working group – Liz Dreesen AOE Educational Scholarship working group – Anthony Viera AOE Membership Committee – Julie Byerley AOE Mentorship working group – Beat Steiner
AOE Minigrants Committee Report Each year, the academy funds several small innovative projects aimed to enhance medical education here at UNC School of Medicine This year, we are pleased to announce that the academy will fund two educational projects: 1.Impact of a Transitional Care Curriculum (Drs Maria Ferris, Anne Stephens, and Heang Lim) 2.Improving Surgical Education of Otolaryngology Residents in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (Dr Brent Senior and Rounak Rawal) Questions: Should the academy open the application process for these grants to non-AOE members? (this year, we only received two applications whereas in previous years we typically received approximately 3-5 proposals)
AOE Minigrants Committee Report Each year, the academy offers travels funds to members to attend/participate in medical education meetings (i.e., AAMC) In January, the committee will be soliciting applications for these travel funds for 2012 meetings Question: In years past, the AOE used the funds for members to attend the fall AAMC meeting. Should we expand the use of these travel funds for members to supplement travel to other such national meetings (i.e. Clinical Anatomy)?
Mentorship There is a need for mentorship of junior faculty, defined as those in their first five years of teaching. There are senior faculty members serving as associate or full professors or serving in major leadership roles who would enjoy serving as mentors Propose that a pool of interested senior faculty members provide a biographical statement and list of interests. This information would be in a “pool” housed at the AOE….really more like a library.
Mentorship Junior faculty members (mentees) should be aware that this “living library” of folks (mentors) is available. Mentees should seek out mentors and “drive the process”. Mentees should set goals for the relationship and should be encouraged to seek mentors from either inside or outside their specialty.
Mentorship Mentees should not choose their “boss” or immediate supervisor. Meetings of mentors and mentees should occur approximately every other month, but the mentee should set the agenda and frequency of the meetings, which then can be approved by the mentor. There should be support groups for mentors and support groups for mentees. These groups could meet quarterly to share best practices (sprinkled with some wisdom and laughter).
Teaching the Teachers: Introducing the Center for Faculty Excellence at Carolinas HealthCare System November 2011
9 9 “Creative work in medical education is the function least likely to bring academic recognition or reward. Changing this will be difficult, but a beginning must be made if such innovations...are ever to become an integral part of the fabric of medical education.” - William McGaghie, 1978
10 Mission: The Center for Faculty Excellence will support and enhance the expertise and skills of faculty in the areas of teaching, research, and leadership. The Center will serve as a clearinghouse for offerings, resources, and expertise across departments throughout Carolinas HealthCare System. The Center will provide resources, continuing education offerings and personal consultations to foster leadership, enhance instructional effectiveness, and improve the academic environment. 10
11 The Center for Faculty Excellence will support its mission through a wide array of programs and offerings, including: –Online Teaching & Learning Modules –Live Workshops –Small Group Discussions –Large Group Lectures –Private Consultations –Web-Based Resources –CFE Awards & Recognitions 11
12 A Teaching Skills Curriculum for New CHS Physician Educators During the initial year of hire, faculty/fellows/residents responsible for teaching trainees will be required, as part of their orientation to CHS, to participate in a longitudinal course, The CFE Core Curriculum. The multi-session course will include a combination of online modules and networking sessions. The purpose of the course will be to facilitate the knowledge and skills of new faculty/fellow/house staff needed to teach effectively in their clinical environment. Core Topics: Medical Education at Carolinas Healthcare System: A Brief Historical Context; Introduction to Adult Education & Learning Preferences; Current ACGME Outcomes/ Milestones Project & the Common Competencies; Delivering and Receiving Constructive Feedback; Teaching at the Bedside: Effective & Efficient; Teaching in the Ambulatory Setting (if relevant); Direct Assessment of Clinical Performance; Teaching Today’s Medical Student 12 CFE Core Curriculum
AOE Curriculum December – Teaching Population Health – A Community Conversation – Tuesday, December 13 th, 4:30-5:30 and – Thursday, December 15 th, 12-1, each in Bondurant G010 January 24 – Student specialty choice – Sally Wood and Sue Tolleson-Rinehart – Tuesday, January 24, 4:30-5:30 – Thursday, January 26, 12-1 February 21 – Faculty Development and Mentorship: Effective Examples from the Department of Psychiatry – Brad Gaynes and Susan Girdler – Tuesday, February 21, 4:30-5:30 – Thursday, February 23, 12-1 March –Professionalism – A Community Conversation April - Reflective Writing – Rita Charon May – Visiting Professor on Educational Scholarship -(coordinated with Annual Banquet on May 16)
Teaching awards workgroup Met on Nov 16 th 2011 to discuss several issues pertaining to the AOE teaching awards. Drs Noone, Chaney, Toews, Steiner, Kernick, Brice, apologies Drs Gwyther, Farrell, Connolly, Felix. Named awards to honor those who have has a major influence on teaching at UNC over the years. Suggestions please! Budget for each award (eg $1000) – due to the Euro crisis (!), deferred for the moment. “Freshman faculty star” award. To encourage the younger members of the AOE AOE play a role in nominations for the University wide awards. Unanimously agreed. Deferred a possible award for GME for the moment.
Teaching awards workgroup Educational scholarship award. For published work, national presentations, significant curriculum innovation. (Note: Existing award for “innovation in teaching” – overlap?). Co-chair needed for this working group, basic scientist perhaps – thoughts? Miscellaneous discussions on nominations process, chairs needing to nominate versus support the nomination. Summary: Thoughts on named awards, process for nominations, or any other aspects of the teaching awards process? Thanks!
Educational Policy
Examples 1)Scrubs for medical students 2)Call rooms for students 3)CPOE 4)“medical student notes” in WEBCIS 5)Graduation questionnaire – impact of nurses 6)Space 7)CSD/CSI
Educational Scholarship Alan Cross Ryan Madanick Howard Reisner Kenya McNeal Trice Linda Levitch Tom Belhorn Rick Feins Deb Bynum Primary focus: definition of educational scholarship – Peer reviewed publications – Other scholarly products
Educational Scholarship How are faculty promoted based on educational scholarship? How best to document scholarship beyond publications Scholarship vs excellence in teaching Is peer review the sine qua non? Other outlets – MedEd portal – Social media outlets – Self-published texts or blogs What about leadership in educational activities?
Educational Scholarship Felt AOE members most interested in how to “do” educational scholarship – Evaluate educational interventions, programs, or ideas – How to disseminate – How to design (and get funding) Draft Goals Provide input to SOM to create more clear criteria for faculty on education pathway Promote and enhance implementation of scholarly activity within AOE and across SOM
Thank you for your participation in AOE.