Results from the Questionnaire Section 3 – RULES OF PROCEDURE Stefano Murgia ECPRD - European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation "FROM E-PARLIAMENT TO SMART-PARLIAMENT" Rome, Senato della Repubblica and Camera dei deputati June 2014
Answers to the questionnaire show that the use of new technologies and social media has hardly influenced parliamentary rules of procedure yet. Anyway, new requirements of transparency and interaction are clearly perceived and taken into consideration by most of the countries involved in the survey; the abovementioned factors influence parliamentary activity to some extent..
Indirect influence on political debate… New technologies do play an indirect influence on Parliamentary activity and, in general, on political debate: discussion topics in each chamber are often affected by what is discussed in social media. Ex. In Russia, internal parliamentary rules haven’t been changed according to the use of social media, but citizens’ positions can be taken into consideration when preparing recommendations for state authorities. On the other hand, an active debate in social media in Finland is reported to be increasing the need for public hearings.
… and growing transparency requirements Some chambers have reported a more direct influence of new media on their own way of proceeding; the use of new technologies has in fact highlighted new transparency requirements. In Canada, proceedings (plenary sittings and committees) are now webcast on the Parliament website; chambers publish expenditures, financial and other administrative reports on the website; e-consultation initiatives have taken place. In France, a large number of standing Committees wants to open their meetings to live broadcast; moreover, recent modifications conducted to improve transparency include the creation of an online register for lobbyists. In Georgia, the functioning of legislative and administrative bodies has become more transparent through official web sites and social media after 2013; in Sweden, all data that is found on the Riksdag web site is also available in open data, in order to be more transparent..
New technologies may rise debate… Although not leading to changes in rules of procedure, new technologies have sometimes led to investigation and debate about the use of social media in parliamentary proceedings. Austrian Parliament is investigating on the use of social media by members during parliamentary sittings. The Hellenic Parliament has submitted - in cooperation with the Greek Government and the Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Government - the Open Government Partnership Action Plan aiming, among other targets, to an “Open Parliament”. For the time being, the Action Plan is under public deliberation. Among other commitments, it is foreseen to provide Open Parliamentary Data and enhance public participation by fostering the social media policy of the Hellenic Parliament..
…or directly affect in the functioning of legislative bodies.. In Estonia citizens can now make proposals to the Parliament, if they collect 1000 signatures for support, and the Parliament has to discuss the given proposal; this bill was approved in march 2014; in Finland a popular initiative – in which 50,000 people can with their signatures have a matter deliberated in the Eduskunta - was introduced last year, and people have been actively influenced through social media to collect signatures. Moreover in Finland legislators prompt, follow and participate actively in the debate in social media. In Sweden, a key role in parliamentary procedure is played by Open Data, that are now used for internal services too (in that sense, internal rules have been changed).