WHAT IS MYWRITINGLABPLUS? MyWritingLabPlus is an online program designed to help you with writing and grammar necessary for persuasive, logical, and effective writing. You can work on the program from any computer with internet access. You will have access as long as you are currently enrolled as a student. MyWritingLabPlus is used in a variety of courses at CSUB, ranging from English to Business to Chemistry. The online program allows you to work on grammar, mechanics, writing, and research skills. MyWritingLabPlus supports different learning styles as well, utilizing audio files, videos, and interactive exercises.
Be sure to click on your section of Social Work If you do not see your course, clicking the sync button usually fixes the issue
COMPLETING WORK In order to begin working, the Path Builder will need to be completed
COMPLETING WORK You should have already taken the Path Builder at orientation; if you haven't please contact your instructor and the MWLP Headquarters ASAP. Contact information is at the end of the Powerpoint.
MODULES AND PERSONALIZED LEARNING PATH The program has built an individualized plan with grammar and writing skills based on your weaknesses and strengths. As you complete each topic, this plan will adapt to your skill level. You may also be asked to complete topics given to you by your instructor. To access these, you will click on the + sign labeled “Study by Module.”
MODULES AND PERSONALIZED LEARNING PATH To work on a specific topic assigned by your teacher, click “Study by Module”
MODULES AND PERSONALIZED LEARNING PATH This is the view if you were to click to see the available topics. These boxes are called modules, and each contains specific topics
Click on your suggested topic OR assigned topic
HOW TO MASTER A TOPIC These five activities will need to be completed to master a topic
HOW TO MASTER A TOPIC The overview is a short description of the topic The animation is a short video on the topic *You must watch the entire animation to get credit for the activity
PRINTING YOUR PROOF OF WORK Click on the module that you intend to show proof of work for
PRINTING YOUR PROOF OF WORK Note: there is a chance that the topic list may require you to scroll down to be able to show all of your work. In this case, you may have to do multiple prints, by scrolling down in the topic list to show the extra work after each print. Click the printer icon button located in the top right of the webpage.
UNLOCKS You will be given two attempts to achieve 80% or higher on each activity. If you do not reach an 80% in two tries, the activity will need to be unlocked. Unlocks will be done on request by calling, ing, or stopping by the MyWritingLabPlus Headquarters in Classroom Building 100.You can also fill out an online unlock form on the following link If you request to be unlocked by , please make sure to give us your name, title of the topic and activity that needs to be unlocked, and the section number of your class. Once the topic is unlocked, you can try it again.
PEARSON TUTOR SERVICES You also have access to Pearson Tutor Services, an online tutoring service that lets students submit up to 6 papers (up to 15 pages long) a year in any subject area and provides personalized feedback from a person with a Master’s or PhD in that subject area. The papers come back in approximately 48 hours. This class requires you to submit some of your papers to Pearson Tutor Services
Click start to Begin
PEARSON TUTOR SERVICES Your instructor will provide you with a description of the assignment
PEARSON TUTOR SERVICES To retrieve your essay, you just need to click on the "Submitted Papers" link on the left-hand side of the Paper Review tab. From here, you can retrieve any essays that have been returned and see any essays in progress. To retrieve an essay you have submitted, just click on the hyperlinked title of the document in order to download it
MWLP HEADQUARTERS We have a MyWritingLabPlus Headquarters on campus if you ever need any help in person regarding the program. We are located in Classroom Building 100. You are also welcome to use our computers any time during the day while we are open. Our Hours Monday – Thursday 8:00am- 5:00pm Friday 8:00am - 1:00pm Any Questions? Located in CB 100