French Protestant Carried on work of Zwingli and completed reformation of church in Switzerland Wrote: Institutes of Christian Religion (a code that united all followers)
Predestination - God has chosen the people to be saved at the beginning of time. They were “the elect” Theocracy - Geneva was ruled by clergy claiming God’s authority No parties, dancing, card games,bad language, showy dress!!!
French Huguenots. 1/3 of country became protestant. Civil wars with RC Henry IV issued Edict of Nantes ( got freedom to worship) Scotland - John Knox made whole country Presbyterian Puritans emerged in England (move to America- 13 colonies)
Catholic Response
Pope Paul III Tried to revive spiritual outlook of the RC church Appointed devout and learned bishops and cardinals Brought the medieval Inquisition from Spain 1545 Council of Trent -Banned sale of Indulgences I just want to keep Catholics in check! I’m not trying to punish Protestants Honest
Realized that the printing press was too powerful to fight. Published Index of Forbidden Books 1559 Kept by RC Church until 1966
1534 founded the Jesuits. Organized like a military body. He was the general and the members were the soldiers. The most effective way of spreading Catholicism They stressed education and founded some of the best colleges in Europe Combine humanism and theology to turn out learned supporters of the Church “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man”
Stoneyhurst College