Applied energy management in cities - from a pilot project to a nation-wide program Zoran Morvaj, Croatia Think Globally, Develop Locally September 2011 – Bratislava, Slovakia
Agenda 1. Creating enabling environment for EE 2. Creating Capacities for EE Policy Implementation in Public Buildings 3. Effective implementation approach– Energy Management System (EMS) 4. Piloting implementation approach 5. National scaling up 6. Lessons learned Applied energy management in cities
Thinking globally ….. Agenda 21 UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol EU energy and climate policy 2008 *20:20:20:10 by 2020 *Energy service directive *EPB directive *…….. Applied energy management in cities
Acting locally ….. Creating enabling environment in Croatia: Fund for EE and environmental protection HEP ESCO (a GEF/WB project result) Energy efficiency master plan Energy efficiency law National energy efficiency action plan (NEEAP) National EE Agency Applied energy management in cities
Implementing environment EE policy making/ implementation context Applied energy management in cities
2. Creating capacity for EE policy implementation in cities/municipalities/LA Applied energy management in cities
i)Understanding implementing environment -> course of action ii) Political will -> resources iii) Developing implementing capacity iv) Effective implementation approach v) Public awarness and participation 2. Creating capacity for EE policy implementation/cont Applied energy management in cities
i)Understanding implementing environment Implementing EE is introduction of change! 2. Creating capacity for EE policy implementation/cont Applied energy management in cities
Cities, counties, munici- palities Stakeholders maping: 2. Creating capacity for EE policy implementation – Understanding implementing environment Applied energy management in cities
Status of local EE market? 2. Creating capacity for EE policy implementation – Understanding implementing environment Applied energy management in cities
11 Applied energy management in cities ii) Political will: visible and active support for EE policy implementation securing resources
iii) Developing implementing capacity Applied energy management in cities
Developing implementing capacity Applied energy management in cities
How to do it: Establish EE offices in cities/LAs and train-by-doing Establish EE info centers and EE corners Run national multi-year EE promotion campaigns Introduce ‘Green office’ practice to public buildings Introduce ‘Green procurement’ rules Mobilize for participation all level of civil society Engaging citizens, business and media Catalyzing and moderating a process of gradual change of perceptions and attitudes Scale-up -> transformation of EE market Applied energy management in cities
iv. Effective implementation platform – Energy Management System (EMS) Applied energy management in cities
Continuous process of monitoring and improving energy efficiency in a city at: –ALL public buildings; –Public lighting –Public transport –City's energy infrastructures: Water supply Districts heating Other energy systems Energy Management System (EMS) Applied energy management in cities
Includes: –Organization, responsibilities and targets, –Skilled and motivated people, –Performance indicators –Analytical procedures and knowledge –IT infrastructure Energy Management System (EMS) in Cities Applied energy management in cities
Energy Management System (EMS) Capacity development Organisational structure Implementation (Measurement and verification) Energy efficiency improvement Result Energy efficiency improvement Applied energy management in cities
Regularmeasurements!! Smart Meters!
4. Piloting implementation approach – Pilot: City of Sisak (50,000 inhabitants, 80 public buildings, 2 milion euro annual energy costs) Applied energy management in cities
21 Applied energy management in cities People and organization!
22 Applied energy management in cities Building stock register; Customizing and using EMIS; Energy audits of all buildings, public lighting and water supply system; Preparation of a 3 year EE implementation plan; Securing internal and external financing; Implementation of EE measures; Applied know-how:
Developing competencies Energy advisors` guide book Introduction about energy efficiency Energy consumption in buildings Building insulation Heating systems Ventilation and air-conditioning Domestic hot water Renewable energy sources in households Electricity consumption in households Economy analysis Energy audit of buildings Communication skills Applied energy management in cities
5. National Scaling-up 24 Applied energy management in cities
`HiO` `EMS_CC` Scalling up: 1. Define the programs! Applied energy management in cities
1. EMS_CC and 2. HiO aiming to: Implement systematic energy management in ALL public building (owned by cities, counties and government) Scaling up – 3 key national programs: 3. Three year public awarness campaign - to mobilize residential sector Applied energy management in cities
Scaling up: 2. Secure resources: Monetize EE (follow the money): Applied energy management in cities Potential for financial savings due to increased energy efficiency Energy expenditures in Croatia in 2009 = 20% GDP Energy exp. in Croatia ,6 $billion Potential for savings (EU targets by 2020) 20% or ANNUALY 2,52 $billion = 4% GDP Building sector - 41%!
Scaling-up: Resources requirements Prepa- Piloting Initial Peaking Embeded Sustainable ration scale up scale up scale up practice Time $ People > 7 years Applied energy management in cities
29 UNDP support!! Applied energy management in cities Scaling up: Clarity on roles and responsibilities Energy management in cities
Energy charter Energy policy statement Letter of Intent Scaling up: Political will Applied energy management in cities
Scaling up: Implementing platform - EMS Tools - Energy Management Information System Tools - Energy Management Information System Applied energy management in cities Smart Meters!
Scaling up: Public participation and awarness Key issue: EE market transformation! National promotion campaign based on social marketing promoting way of thinking, living and acting and developing awareness for shared responsibility and choices for a changing life style! Applied energy management in cities
Scaling up: behaviour changing and stimulating demand for EE products and services. Applied energy management in cities
Scaling up - bussines sector involvement: EE corners towards EE market transformation: Applied energy management in cities
6. Lessons learned Applied energy management in cities
Be sure to understand implementing environment and local EE market Think ambitious, be bold, aim high Achieve early success and make it visible Work with top levels first Monetize EE potential at every level Right time-sequencing of project interventions Building capacity of capacity builders No scaling up without indigenous financing EE implementation is a process of CHANGE Applied energy management in cities
Securing Political Commitment and Resources Buildings stock Register, baselines, targets Capacity Building, Learning while doing Local EE Action plans, Budgets, EE projects’ pipeline EMIS and EE measures implementa- tion 6. Rising public awareness EE market transfor. EM is a CHANGE PROCESS: Applied energy management in cities Project team acts as CHANGE AGENT
Scaling up creates an emerging environment where you can influence rather than manage Adaptive management of internal resources and focus on process rather than particular outputs Achieve and maintain competence, legitimacy, and authority Coping with uncertainties and ambiguities Good internal and external communication Perseverance! Applied energy management in cities
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