Media Studies 2009 External Achievement Standards
Issues Topics Topics Supporting materials Supporting materials How to get Merit and Excellence How to get Merit and Excellence
Level 2 AS90276 Describe the relationship between a media product and its target audience 3 credits Tearaway, TV 3 News… AS90278 Demonstrate understanding of messages and/or values, and representations within media texts 3 credits Teenagers, Teenage Girls, Women, Celebrities… AS90279 Demonstrate understanding of a media genre 3 credits Hollywood Musicals, Romantic Comedies, Westerns, Film Noir…
Level 3 AS90599 Demonstrate understanding of a specific media industry 4 credits NZ Film Industry, Hollywood… AS90602 Explain the relationship between a media genre and society 4 credits Teenage girls magazines, Hollywood Thrillers…
Supporting material NZQA website- AS, past exams, examiners report, assessment specification NZQA website- AS, past exams, examiners report, assessment specification
Assessment Specifications ea- resource/specifications/2009/level2/ media-studies.doc ea- resource/specifications/2009/level2/ media-studies.doc ea- resource/specifications/2009/level2/ media-studies.doc ea- resource/specifications/2009/level2/ media-studies.doc
Assessment Specifications Content/Context details All questions will ask candidates to ‘discuss’ in order to provide opportunities to describe, explain and analyse. For excellence, discussion requires the candidate to go beyond description and explanation to look at wider implication(s). A scaffolded planning page will be provided for each standard, to assist candidates in planning their answer(s). Assessors may use responses made on the planning page as evidence. Candidates should be aware that assessment is based on the quality of content rather than the length of the response. Candidates should be using relevant, specific and detailed examples to support their answers.
AS90276 Describe the relationship between a media product and its target audience Content/Context details The examination will take the form of a single question, requiring a written response of about 600 words. The examination will take the form of a single question, requiring a written response of about 600 words. In their discussion candidates will be expected to focus on the links between the specific product and its target audience In their discussion candidates will be expected to focus on the links between the specific product and its target audience
Candidates will choose ONE of two questions. Candidates will choose ONE of two questions. Option One: The focus will be on the impact of ONE technique used to appeal to a specific audience. Option Two: The focus will be on the impact of ONE technique used to identify or measure a specific audience.
To achieve with excellence Candidates must analyse at least ONE implication. Implications could include such things such as economic considerations, social climate, artistic vision/aesthetics, moral/ethical concerns, cultural considerations, legislative requirements etc.
AS Demonstrate understanding of messages and/or values, and representations within media texts Content/Context details The examination will take the form of a single question requiring a written response of about 600 words. The examination will take the form of a single question requiring a written response of about 600 words. The definition of group/culture is any specific identifiable group. The definition of group/culture is any specific identifiable group. The focus will be on how the representation of a group/culture can communicate a message/value. The focus will be on how the representation of a group/culture can communicate a message/value.
Candidates must discuss ONE representation of a specific group/culture and ONE message or value conveyed in media texts. Candidates must discuss ONE representation of a specific group/culture and ONE message or value conveyed in media texts.
To achieve with excellence Candidates must analyse at least ONE implication of the representation for the group/culture and/or wider society. Candidates must support their responses with specific evidence from at least TWO media texts. Candidates must support their responses with specific evidence from at least TWO media texts.
AS90279 Demonstrate understanding of a media genre Content/Context details The examination will take the form of TWO questions. The examination will take the form of TWO questions. Candidates must respond to BOTH questions to achieve the standard. Candidates must respond to BOTH questions to achieve the standard. Each question requires a short written response of about 400 words. Each question requires a short written response of about 400 words.
Candidates must: Discuss ONE significant code/convention associated with a genre. Discuss ONE significant code/convention associated with a genre. A significant code/convention is one that is used conventionally in a genre e.g. the lone hero in a Western NOT the hero. Nerds in Teen Movies NOT stock characters. Low-key lighting in Horror NOT lighting. Discuss ONE significant development in the genre by making a comparison between at least TWO media texts Discuss ONE significant development in the genre by making a comparison between at least TWO media texts Use supporting evidence from at least TWO texts. Candidates may choose to discuss the development of a code/convention. Use supporting evidence from at least TWO texts. Candidates may choose to discuss the development of a code/convention.
To achieve with excellence Candidates must: Analyse at least ONE implication of the code/ convention for the genre AND analyse at least ONE implication of the development of the genre.Analyse at least ONE implication of the code/ convention for the genre AND analyse at least ONE implication of the development of the genre.
Level 3 Content/Context details All questions will ask candidates to ‘discuss’ in order to provide opportunities to explain, analyse and analyse perceptively. All questions will ask candidates to ‘discuss’ in order to provide opportunities to explain, analyse and analyse perceptively. ‘Perceptive analysis’ indicates the quality of response rather than the length and could include such things as: personal conclusions/ insights drawn from their analysis, ability to evaluate significance and/or relevance and the ability to construct and sustain a clear and coherent argument. ‘Perceptive analysis’ indicates the quality of response rather than the length and could include such things as: personal conclusions/ insights drawn from their analysis, ability to evaluate significance and/or relevance and the ability to construct and sustain a clear and coherent argument. Candidates may choose to agree or disagree in their response to their chosen statement. Candidates may choose to agree or disagree in their response to their chosen statement. Format of the Assessment Space is provided for candidates to plan their essay. Markers may use responses made on the planning page as evidence for assessment. Space is provided for candidates to plan their essay. Markers may use responses made on the planning page as evidence for assessment.
AS Number90599 Demonstrate understanding of a specific media industry Format of the Assessment The examination will take the form of a single written essay The examination will take the form of a single written essay Candidates will have a choice of THREE options. Any of these three options can be answered with reference to a media industry as a whole or a specific media producer. Candidates will have a choice of THREE options. Any of these three options can be answered with reference to a media industry as a whole or a specific media producer. Content/Context details Because of the significant overlap between the terms ‘organisation’ and ‘control’, for the purpose of this examination, candidates can select features from either or both. Because of the significant overlap between the terms ‘organisation’ and ‘control’, for the purpose of this examination, candidates can select features from either or both. These features could include such things as: commercial considerations, market demands, industry practices, government and industry regulations and standards, key personnel, technologies, industry structure and ownership. These features could include such things as: commercial considerations, market demands, industry practices, government and industry regulations and standards, key personnel, technologies, industry structure and ownership.
AS Explain the relationship between a media genre and society Content/Context details The examination will take the form of a single essay. The examination will take the form of a single essay. Candidates will be given FOUR statements, from which they will select ONE to respond to in their answer. Candidates must support their answer with specific evidence from at least THREE media texts. Candidates will be given FOUR statements, from which they will select ONE to respond to in their answer. Candidates must support their answer with specific evidence from at least THREE media texts.
Getting to Excellence Describe Describe Explain – how and why Explain – how and why Analyse - so what for the genre/ group/product? Analyse - so what for the genre/ group/product? - so what for the society/ audience? - so what for the society/ audience?IMPLICATIONS!!!
Creative Thinking Tools… PMI PMI Reverse the situation- what would be missing from society if… Reverse the situation- what would be missing from society if… De Bonos’ hats De Bonos’ hats
De Bono RED HAT Emotions and feelings How do you feel about the relationship between teenage girl magazines and society? How do you feel about the relationship between teenage girl magazines and society? YELLOW HAT Good points What are the good things about the relationship between teenage girl magazines and society? What are the good things about the relationship between teenage girl magazines and society? BLACK HAT Issues and problems What are some of the issues and problems associated with the relationship between teenage girl magazines and society? What are some of the issues and problems associated with the relationship between teenage girl magazines and society? GREEN HAT Creative opportunities What are some good ideas to improve the relationship between teenage girl magazines and society? What are some good ideas to improve the relationship between teenage girl magazines and society? What does the future hold for the relationship between teenage girl magazines and society? What does the future hold for the relationship between teenage girl magazines and society? WHITE HAT Information and resources What information or resources do we need to improve? What information or resources do we need to improve? BLUE HAT Organisation and action What planning and action do we need to take? What planning and action do we need to take?
Exam Technique Students need to be taught how to (and have plenty of opportunity to): write a clear, coherent argument for Media Studies write a clear, coherent argument for Media Studies select the option which best fits their knowledge/ content select the option which best fits their knowledge/ content Be shown how to approach an exam question in Media Studies (TEC) Be shown how to approach an exam question in Media Studies (TEC)
TEC Target, Expand, Contract Target the question/ topic by highlighting key words Target the question/ topic by highlighting key words Target the task by decdiign what it is you are being asked to do eg review, discuss etc and what this actually means Target the task by decdiign what it is you are being asked to do eg review, discuss etc and what this actually means Expand- brain bomb a page Expand- brain bomb a page Contract- x out irrelevance, highlight key points, construct a PMI etc Contract- x out irrelevance, highlight key points, construct a PMI etc
Improving writing quality in Exams Formative Assessment- use a standard cover sheet Formative Assessment- use a standard cover sheet Focus on one skill at a time eg for first piece of writing concentrate on paragraph structure (S.E.X.Y), for the next comment on their ability to present an argument etc Focus on one skill at a time eg for first piece of writing concentrate on paragraph structure (S.E.X.Y), for the next comment on their ability to present an argument etc It does not have to be writing based on an examination topic- you could get students to analyse news items each week etc It does not have to be writing based on an examination topic- you could get students to analyse news items each week etc Peer writing- write a response as a class, the in small groups, then pairs, then the individual Peer writing- write a response as a class, the in small groups, then pairs, then the individual Peer assessment Peer assessment Provide time to write under time limits eg 10 mins to plan, 40 mins to write etc Provide time to write under time limits eg 10 mins to plan, 40 mins to write etc Other ideas??? Other ideas???
Using exemplars with students Give students past exemplars to work with BUT make sure that they are clear about any changes to the Assessment Specs for the year ie Give students past exemplars to work with BUT make sure that they are clear about any changes to the Assessment Specs for the year ie Demonstrate understanding of messages and/or values, and representations within media texts - student have to write about how a representation creates a message/ value Demonstrate understanding of messages and/or values, and representations within media texts - student have to write about how a representation creates a message/ value Demonstrate understanding of a media genre Demonstrate understanding of a media genre - Students need to compare 2 texts
Get students to mark exemplars in groups and report back with reasons for grades given- discuss any difference with the markers decision Get students to mark exemplars in groups and report back with reasons for grades given- discuss any difference with the markers decision Give students an Achieved and ask them how they would make this a Merit/ an Excellence Give students an Achieved and ask them how they would make this a Merit/ an Excellence Other ideas??? Other ideas???
Possible links with Internals at Level 2 Genre and Narrative Genre and Narrative Audience and Close Reading Audience and Close Reading Representation and ??? Representation and ???
Possible links with Internals at Level 3 Industry and Investigation Industry and Investigation Genre and Investigation Genre and Investigation ??? ???