SYSTEMSDESIGNANALYSIS 1 Chapter 18 Interface Design Jerry Post Copyright © 1997
SYSTEMSDESIGN 2 User Interface Choices Command line Question-and-answer Menus Natural language Forms Graphical User Interface (GUI) Goals: Ease of understanding Match the job tasks. Layout and terminology. Ease of use Consistency and standards Customizable Minimize data entry Key codes (ID values). Only enter new data. Supply editing characters (e.g., slashes in dates). Default values Automatic searches by first characters. Drop-down (combo) boxes.
SYSTEMSDESIGN 3 Feedback Acknowledge acceptance of input. Recognize that input is in the correct form. Notify that input is not in the correct form. Explain a delay in processing. Acknowledge that a request is completed. Notify that a request is not completed. Offer more detailed feedback. Help options. F1 key and Help menu. Context sensitive help. Tool tips. Wizards (Wizard queries user to determine which help to offer). Web sites. Web forums (user-to-user support).
SYSTEMSDESIGN 4 Ergonomics Rooms Colors Muted tones Flat paint Minimize reflections Lighting Use natural light. Avoid lights behind terminals for most users. Avoid fluorescent lights. 60 Hz flicker. Can be too bright. Good luck (lowest energy usage). Computer furniture Adjustable Knee height Keyboard height Monitor height Chairs Comfortable Adjustable Back support Displays Adjust angles. Adjust contrast and brightness. Keyboards Variety but debatable value. Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI). Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).