No Blame Approach Workshop Why does it work? Philosophy Assumptions Convictions 11th December 2010
Victim Parents-Parents The Group Bully-Colluders Bystanders-observers-supporters Teacher-facilitator
Keep the victim safe Change the behaviour of the bully Change the behaviour of the support group Parents of the victim feel their child is safe Parents of the bully to feel the matter is resolved Teachers feel they have stopped the bullying
Looking at it from the individuals involved What happens for the victim?
Looking at it from the individuals involved What happens for the bully-colluder?
Looking at it from the individuals involved What happens for the supporters?
Looking at it from the individuals involved What happens for the teacher-facilitator?
Looking at it from the individuals involved What happens for the parents? VictimsBullies
George Robinson George and Barbara Resources. PO Box 1185 Bristol BS36 2WR Phone