1968: A Tumultuous Year Section 4
Objective: Time, Continuality, & Change Identify: The Tet Offensive Robert Kennedy Eugene McCarthy Understand: The change in public opinion Why Johnson declined the Presidency
The Tet offensive Vietnam’s Version of New Years Eve January 30 th Called Tet Large festival Many funerals were held These Coffins were filled with weapons The offensive Lasted a month 100 South Vietnamese towns were attacked US forces eventually victorious
Lyndon Johnson/Robert Kennedy Member of the Democratic party Anti-war coalition led by Robert Kennedy Following Tet it began to garner attention Kennedy announced he would run against Johnson March 31 st 1968 Johnson announces he will seek negotiations to end the war Also states he will not return as president June 5 th 1968 Robert Kennedy is assassinated
The End of the War and its Legacy Secion 5
Time, Continuality, & Change Identify: Richard Nixon Vietnamization Silent Majority My Lai Pentagon Papers Understand How the Vietnam War changed the way we view government Understand why the War Powers Act was passed
Richard Millhous Nixon Elected on the promise to end the conflict in 1968 Began to pull out troops Began to escalate bombings Invaded Cambodia to root out the Vietcong Reelected in 1972 (America Still at war)
Vietnamization Gradual withdrawal of US troops Turn over control of defense to South Vietnam troops From 1969 to 1972 American troops drop from 500,000 to less than 25,000
Silent majority Nixon Believed that the majority of Americans supported the war Afraid to voice their feelings due to the anti war movement Mostly Moderate, Mainstream Americans
My Lai Small Vietnamese village Civilians massacred by US troops Approximately 200 civilians were killed Troops insisted they were blameless as: “they only followed orders” 25 Army officers were charged but only one was convicted He served 3 years under house arrest “I poured four clips into the group… The mothers were hugging their children… Well, we kept right on firing.” - Private Paul Meadlo
Kent State University May 4 th, 1970 9 people wounded 4 killed Students had been protesting for days Burned down the ROTC Building Rioted in downtown kent Mayor called in the National Guard Opened fire on the protestors Rioters had thrown rocks and verbally abused them
Invasion of Cambodia/ Pentagon papers Nixon Invades Cambodia as he promises to draw down troops Enrages college students Pentagon Papers Report done in 1968 under Lyndon Johnson that contradicts many things he said as president. Really harms Americans faith in the government.
1973 Nixon makes one final push in the fall of 1972 Ramps up bombing Draws down troops January 27 th, 1973 America signs the agreement to restore peace to Vietnam March 29 th 1973 The last combat troops leave Vietnam
Fall of Saigon While the US pulls out the war rages on and in 1975 North Vietnam launches an all out invasion of the south
The Legacy The War Powers Act President must inform congress within 48 hours of sending men overseas Troops can only remain for 90 days without congress’ approval