Portfolio Committee 15 February 2012 University Registrations and Enrolments for 2012
2012 University Registration 2 University Enrolment Planning and Spaces for First Time–Entering Students in 2012 Career Guidance and Information for the Class of 2012 Monitoring the Registration Period Key Issues Way Forward
Enrolment Planning Process 3 Enrolment planning for universities is done in 3 year cycles Process for current cycle started in October 2009 and resulted in national and institutional enrolment and output targets for the 2011 to 2013 academic years Institutions submitted their plans and DHET engaged with them to reach final negotiated figures The table that follows provides enrolment figures for First Time–Entering (FTEN) students for Actual figures are available for Information for 2011 onwards is based on information and data collected during the enrolment planning process.
2012 First Time–Entering Students (FTEN) 4 Scarce Skills 2010 (Actual) 2011 (Target) 2012 (Target) % increase Total FTEN Engineering Life and Physical Sciences Animal Sciences Human Health Sciences Veterinarian Sciences Initial Teacher Education
Career Guidance 5 DHET Career Guidance programme lead by SAQA includes: Website containing information on different career options and post school institutions offering relevant programmes Information on how to apply at Universities and FET Colleges Career Counseling call center Regular programmes on public radio stations on career options available Apply Now campaign providing information on where to apply and when to apply for post school education opportunities Information on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and other funding options available, including funding on scarce skill career options. Minister’s Road-Shows are also used to disseminate information to prospective students All institutions hold open-days for prospective students
Registration Monitoring 6 Universities develop and implement their own registration plans Department collects information from Registrars in November each year regarding: Projected first year spaces Registration time tables and arrangements for first time entering and returning students Student fees, residence fees and % increases Contact person for registration and admission related queries During the registration period the DHET keeps in contact with Registrars and/the contact person to follow up on queries and problems DHET Call centre receives complaints, queries and requests for assistance which are followed up by a dedicated section on a daily basis. DHET officials visit selected institutions to monitor admissions and registration processes
Registration Monitoring 7 The Department visited a number of institutions to monitor registrations in January Institutions under Administration have noticeably improved their registration processes and had few problems; to date no strikes or major disruptions have occurred in these institutions; Administrators had proper engagements with stakeholder groups specifically student leaders and communicated processes and increases timeously Admissions and/registration problems occurred at UJ, NWU, CPUT, VUT and MUT The tragic death of a UJ parent highlighted the problem of insufficient spaces for our aspiring youth Tragic death of a NWU student during a social event
Key Issues 8 Insufficient spaces for qualifying matriculants, particularly in professional qualifications (medicine, engineering, and veterinarian sciences) Capacity of institutions to manage NSFAS Poor communication with students and parents regarding admissions at some institutions(understanding of conditional/ provisional acceptance) Lack of engagement and communication regarding fee increases at some institutions Constraints in relation to the DHET’s involvement due to institutional autonomy
Key Issues 9 NSFAS issues: -Inconsistency in the application of NSFAS policy by Financial Aid Offices at institutions contributes to confusion -Historic debt of continuing students who are academically eligible is not funded (top-slicing/ insufficient funding in prior year) Lack of career guidance and information at schools on post school and financial aid opportunities Late applications and walk-ins Orientation programmes and processes
Way Forward 10 Hold a workshop with University Registrars, Deans of Students, NSFAS and NSF to reflect on the 2012 process and develop an action plan to improve registration and admission for 2013 Develop and implement a revamped Apply-Now Campaign to be launched in April/May in partnership with DBE, SAQA, HESA and NSFAS targeting 7000 secondary schools with information on career guidance, how to apply for places at all post school institution (including universities and FET colleges), what the entry requirements are, and how to apply for NSFAS funding; Grade 11 and 12 learners will be targeted.
Way Forward 11 Participate in the NSFAS training workshops for Financial Aid Offices Review Admission policies at universities in consultation with HESA and Professional Bodies to improve access Work with HESA to find ways of improving student support services at all Universities Develop and implement a Central Application Service in partnership with HESA and NSFAS
Thank You