WELCOME! Sophomore Classroom Guidance
A – Gon Mr. Dominguez Mrs. Zamora Goo – Ogr Mrs. Schuelke Mrs. Field Oh – Z Mrs. Bennight Mr. Orris
4 English 4 Math 4 Science 4 Social Studies.5 Communication Applications 2 Foreign Language 1 Fine Art 1 Physical Education 5.5 Electives TOTAL = 26 How many credits do you need?? 7 credits to be a Sophomore 13 credits to be a Junior 19 credits to be a Senior
Students who entered 9 th grade in 2011 or after must pass 5 STAAR end-of-course (EOC) exams in: English 1 English 2 Biology Algebra US History (11 th grade) Minimum is not passing. If you meet the Minimum score, but do not meet Level II Satisfactory, you will be required to take the test over.
Meet all the graduation requirements for the Recommended Plan PLUS… Successfully complete 3 years of a foreign language instead of two. Four advanced measures that demonstrate student performance at the college level: A score of three or above on an AP exam College academic courses with a grade of 3.0 PSAT score that qualifies the student for recognition Original research project-approved by a panel of professionals
Know your credits and STAAR (EOC) scores! Pass all classes. Come to tutoring and intersession. Work to get the highest score on the EOC possible. You can take the EOC as many times as you would like to reach Level II or Level III. Use your Academic Target and District Assessment scores to help you know how you are doing and what you still need to learn.
ACC Kickoff meeting- January 22 BHS Cafe 6:30pm Take the TSI- January 29 – Sign up today Starting the summer after your sophomore year, you are able to take 2 ACC classes each semester = 12 college classes for FREE Summer of 2015 – Communications Fall of 2015 – Comp 1 and US History Register for ACC when you are entering your courses for ACC Advisors will be here April 8 & 16. Sign up for an advising time in the Counseling Office. Meet with your counselor to get the ECS checklist.
Take Pre-AP, AP, and ACC courses to prepare for the rigor of college Research your top career choices to see what additional education you need. (Campus2Careers) Get your resume started (Campus2Careers) Investigate and make a list of your top 6–8 post-secondary education options.
GPA/Grades/Rank Junior year is the last year shown on your transcript for college admissions and some scholarship deadlines! Courses Test Scores Essays Letters of Recommendation Extracurricular activities ( should illustrate leadership/dedication/service )
If you ever need your official transcript, see Mrs. Crouch in the Registrar’s office Will need a request form from her and $2.00 If you have attendance hours you need to make up, see Mrs. Turner (AP office) If you’re struggling in class, attend tutorials or set up additional time with your teacher Your GPA and Class Rank are found on the bottom of your transcript and are updated each semester
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/BTXHSCounselors BHS website – Counselor’s Page Sign up on our clipboard in the Guidance Office to receive a pass (or us if you have a quick question)
Link to access Campus2Careers will soon be on the Bastrop High School website Resume Builder Interest Inventory College/Career Investigation Four-year Plans Course Selection ***Link to the Course Selection Guide is on the BHS Home Page
January 22 Parent night BHS café 6:30pm January 27 CAVE presentation at PAC February 6 and 9 Going to the computer labs so you can do next year’s schedule