Cultural changes in the islamic world A Case Study: Turkey and Iran
Can a state modernize without westernize? How is Islam to be used by a society?How is Islam to be used by a society? Turkey: they saw Islam differently than Iran (see)Turkey: they saw Islam differently than Iran (see) Post WWI TurkeyPost WWI Turkey Kemal AtaturkKemal Ataturk
Turkey’s Modernization Began with a modernization movement after WWI that embraced Western ideasBegan with a modernization movement after WWI that embraced Western ideas Much of the rigid elements of Islamist thought were disallowed (sharia)Much of the rigid elements of Islamist thought were disallowed (sharia) Women could give up the veilWomen could give up the veil Government moved towards socialismGovernment moved towards socialism Authoritarian but ParliamentaryAuthoritarian but Parliamentary Eventually has sought membership in EUEventually has sought membership in EU
Iran’s path to modernity Post WWI era saw a startling degree of anger towards West.Post WWI era saw a startling degree of anger towards West. Iran (Persia) had been partitioned against its will in 1906.Iran (Persia) had been partitioned against its will in Post WWII era viewed Shah Reza Pahlavi government as a puppet of Western powers.Post WWII era viewed Shah Reza Pahlavi government as a puppet of Western powers.
Shah and Iran Coalesced to US on oil dealsCoalesced to US on oil deals Professed anti communistProfessed anti communist Secularized governmentSecularized government Looked to abolish ShariaLooked to abolish Sharia
Rise of Islamism As the wealth gap grew and theAs the wealth gap grew and the Relationship with the Great Satan US grew closer, so did the anger in Mosques.
Revolution! The Iranian Revolution of 1979The Iranian Revolution of 1979 Too many affronts to IslamToo many affronts to Islam Shah was forced to abdicate as the Khomeni revolution had tapped into Iranian Islamist beliefs.Shah was forced to abdicate as the Khomeni revolution had tapped into Iranian Islamist beliefs.
On a collision course with the USA Iranian Hostage Crisis: 1979Iranian Hostage Crisis: 1979 Oil Embargo: 1970’sOil Embargo: 1970’s Iran-Iraq War: 1980’sIran-Iraq War: 1980’s Post 9/11 PoliticsPost 9/11 Politics Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the nuclearization of Iran and the USAMahmoud Ahmadinejad, the nuclearization of Iran and the USA