AGENDA FILL OUT FORM FOR NEXT YEAR ASAP Committee Status Updates Events Social THON Webmaster Historians Name change Logo/Apparel – still time for either or both this year? Event Report Sheets Constitutional amendments Officers for next year
FORM Still need: Michelle Kantorovich Sanjana Matta Billy Nguyen
EVENTS CHAIRS Dodgeball Tournament MCAT Panel End-of-Year Party Final date: Sunday, April 28 th so people taking April 27 th MCAT can make it?
SOCIAL CHAIRS Mount Nittany Climb
THON CHAIRS Excellent job by THON chairs. How did it go this year? Any suggestions for next year? What needs to be done going forward for next year?
WEBMASTER Website appears to be working and updated. Anything webmasters need? Any suggestions for improving the website?
HISTORIANS Great work! Anything to bring up at the meeting?
SERVICE CHAIRS Jared Boxes event today Recur the events from this year Meals on Wheels Jared Boxes AED Public Health fair for next year Open to suggestions 12+ Chairs Service Projects Blood donations credited to PMM Nursing home visits Adopt a Highway
NAME CHANGE FOR PMM Survey has 6 vs 5 in favor of keeping the same Pi Mu Mu. Any talking points? THON classification Image? Other suggestions?
LOGO/APPAREL Do we need/want a new logo? Is there time/interest in putting together an apparel sale so that the purchased items can be distributed at the End-of-Year Party before finals week?
EVENT REPORT SHEETS Will be ed, shared on Facebook, and posted to website (?) Record what needed to be done to put on every event we held this year. Submit to Neha for compilation in a binder. Future President will continue to maintain the binder. Future chairs and committee members will be made aware of the binder sheets for future reference.
AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION Old constitution for PMM was written by Kelley Chen in semester of Spring Revising the constitution to reflect how PMM currently operates. Under the current constitution, amendments must be introduced at a meeting and voted on at the FOLLOWING meeting. We will vote at our final meeting of the semester.
AMENDMENTS: OFFICES Specific responsibilities for executive officers Adding events chairs, social chairs, service chairs, historians, webmasters, and Jefferson Alumni Correspondants Students can apply for committee positions. Officers selected by appointment (not election by a majority of all PMM students)
AMENDMENTS: MEMBERSHIP 2 types of membership Active: Pay dues set by treasurer and approved by the President. Receive discounted rates to PMM events when at all possible. Eligible to vote on spending of funds if the board wants a general vote. Associate: Attends PMM events, do not pay dues, eligible to vote on PMM events/decisions that are not directly related to spending of PMM funds
OFFICERS FOR NEXT YEAR Indicate your preferences Executive board and chair positions will be assigned taking everyone’s requests into account. New positions will be announced at the next meeting.
SUMMER SESSION ANNOUNCMENT Who is coming for summer session? Present to the incoming PMM students? Volunteers? Prepare a presentation
OPEN FORUM Anything else needed?
FINAL MEETING Announce board for next year Take full board picture When is best?