WASPS BASIC ANATOMY Every single wasp have bright yellow bands around their black body. They also have two pairs of wings, one pair of compound eyes and six long legs! Wasps have a stinger at the end of their abdomen which they use to sting their enemies. A wasp has three main parts of its body which are called: the head, the thorax & the abdomen! First we’ll start with the head: a wasps head has two feelers called antennae and one mouthpart. There is sometimes stiff hairs on a wasps head. Now the thorax: a wasp has six long legs attached to their thorax, as well as two shiny wings!
Basic anatomy picture WASPS MORE BASIC ANATOMY The thorax has very strong muscles inside it, to make their shiny wings and long legs work. Although you may think every wasp has four shiny wings to fly with, some female wasps don’t have any! Now to the abdomen: The wasps food is always digested in their abdomen, this means that as soon as a wasp eats something it will be broken down into tiny little pieces. Female wasps lay their eggs in their abdomen. All wasps have a stinger at the end of their abdomen.
Basic anatomy !
WASPS LIFE CYCLE Wasps live together in large nests. Several thousand wasps may be found in larger nests. After mating with drones (males), the queen will build a nest and lay her eggs. Close to a week later, the larvae will hatch, and the queen wasp feeds them chewed up insects and spiders, later the larvae will spin a cocoon of silk, and become pupae , and after all that they will become strong adult wasps.
WASPS HABITAT Different wasps live in different types of areas for example some wasps live in deserts, some live in rainforests, grasslands, wetlands and some wasps live near the coast. Mostly every wasp is solitary. This means they are living by themselves, but some species of wasps are social which means they live in large colonies.
WASPS ADAPTIVE & DEFENSIVE BEHAVIORS Wasp’s have a short black stinger at the end of it’s abdomen to defend it self from their enemy’s .Wasp’s build paper nests to defend and protect their larvae (baby's) from flying enemy’s.
WASPS LOCAL SPECIES OF A WASP There aren't a lot of species of wasps, but I can tell you there are around about 300 different species of wasps! And all the names of the species will be on my wiki page!
WASPS INTERESTING FACTS Some wasps that feast on ferment sometimes pass out after getting drunk! Tarantula wasps usually paralyse actual tarantulas so they can lay one single egg on it so when the egg hatches the baby has something fresh to eat! Wasps are quite aggressive during August and October because wasps can’t find food during these month’s so they have to go through garbage and try and find food!
WASPS GLOBAL PRESENCE Wasps are found in parts of south America, Europe ,Asia and New Zealand. They normally build their nests in places where they feel safe and warm.
WASPS THE FOOD CHAIN OF INSECTS Most adult wasps eat either: caterpillars, flies and surprisingly their own relatives ants and bees isn't that amazing! Some wasps eat caterpillar blood as well as caterpillars!