Energy Transfers and Transformations
Two “categories” of energy but many “forms” Kinetic energy (energy in motion) Objects moving (people, cars, rivers, wind, etc…) Heat energy (thermal) Light energy (radiant) Sound energy Electricity down a wire or lightning bolt thru the air Potential energy (energy being stored up) Mechanical- stored in springs and bands being stretched or squeezed Gravitational- Stored by raising objects high in the air (away from “rest”). Chemical- stored in food, batteries, explosives… Nuclear- stored in the nucleus of atoms and their particles.
The (form) energy in the (location or object) (transfers / transforms) into the (form ) energy in the location or object when (describe the event or action that happens).
The (HEAT) energy in the (PERSON’S HAND) (transfers) into the (HEAT) energy in the ICE when (THE ICE MELTS).
The (form) energy in the (location or object) (transfers / transforms) into the (form ) energy in the location or object when (describe the event or action that happens).
The (MOTION) energy in the BIKER’S LEGS (transfers) into the (MOTION) energy in the BIKE WHEELS when THE BIKER PEDALS THE BIKE.
The (form) energy in the (location or object) (transfers / transforms) into the (form ) energy in the location or object when (describe the event or action that happens).
The LIGHT energy in the SUN transforms into the HEAT energy in the TREE when THE SUNLIGHT HITS THE TREE.
The (form) energy in the (location or object) (transfers / transforms) into the (form ) energy in the location or object when (describe the event or action that happens).
The ELECTRICAL energy in the SOCKET transfers into the ELECTRICAL energy in the PLUG/WIRE when THE WIRE IS PLUGGED INTO THE SOCKET.
The (form) energy in the (location or object) (transfers / transforms) into the (form ) energy in the location or object when (describe the event or action that happens).
The MOTION energy in the SPINNING TIRES transforms into the HEAT energy in the ROAD when THE TIRES RUB AGAINST THE ROAD.
The (form) energy in the (location or object) (transfers / transforms) into the (form ) energy in the location or object when (describe the event or action that happens).
The SOUND energy from the PERSON’S VOICE transforms into the MOTION energy in the GLASS when THE SOUND WAVES STRIKE THE GLASS.
The (form) energy in the (location or object) (transfers / transforms) into the (form ) energy in the location or object when (describe the event or action that happens).
The CHEMICAL energy in the HAMBURGER transfers into the CHEMICAL energy in the PERSON’S BODY when THE GUY EATS THE HAMBURGER.
The (form) energy in the (location or object) (transfers / transforms) into the (form ) energy in the location or object when (describe the event or action that happens).
The MOTION energy in the BAT transfers into the MOTION energy in the BALL when THE BAT STRIKES THE BALL.