Chapter Preview 3 Chapter Preview · Section 3 Preindustrial Societies (pages 153–158) The way a society provides for basic needs greatly affects its culture and social structure. Preindustrial societies include hunting and gathering, horticultural, pastoral, and agricultural societies.
A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 3-Polling Question Which is an example of a preindustrial society? A.Hunting and gathering B.Pastoral C.Agricultural D. All of the above
Section 3 Types of Society A society is composed of people living within defined territorial borders who share a common culture.society
A.A B.B C.C Section 3 Do you think our society today is becoming more global? A.Agree B.Disagree C.Not sure
Section 3 Hunting and Gathering Societies Hunting and gathering society survives by hunting animals and gathering edible foods.Hunting and gathering society Oldest solution to the problem of providing for basic needs Time Line of Societies
Section 3 Hunting and Gathering Societies (cont.) Characteristics: –Nomadic- move from place to place, follow herd –Very few possessions –Small in population –Cooperation and sharing are key –No social class –Family is the only institution Time Line of Societies
A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 3 The following are important in the hunting and gathering society EXCEPT A.Sharing B.Gathering food C.Thrift D.Moving from place to place
Section 3 Horticultural Societies A horticultural society solves the subsistence problem primarily through the growing of plants.horticultural society Time Line of Societies
Section 3 Horticultural Societies (cont.) Characteristics: –More permanent settlements –Multicommunity societies- 1,000-2,000 people –Family more key –More complex division of labor –Trade possible Time Line of Societies
A.A B.B C.C Section 3 What do you think is the main difference between the horticultural society and the hunting and gathering society? A.The growing of plants B.Emphasis on family C.Permanent housing
Section 3 Pastoral Societies In pastoral societies, food is obtained primarily by raising and taking care of animals.pastoral societies Time Line of Societies
Section 3 Pastoral Societies (cont.) Characteristics: –Migration still needed, but with some permanent villages –Male dominated –More complex division of labor –Trade possible Time Line of Societies
A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 3 Pastoral societies, food is primarily obtained by which method? A.Hunting B.Raising animals C.Growing crops D.Trade
Section 3 Agricultural Societies An agricultural society subsists by growing food, but with the use of plows and animals.agricultural society Time Line of Societies
Section 3 Agricultural Societies (cont.) Characteristics: –More food per unit of land due to the plow –Animals allow more people to engage in noneconomic activities –Cities built –Other occupations appear Time Line of Societies
Section 3 Agricultural Societies (cont.) –Political, economic, religious institutions appear –Government replaces the family group –King or emperor rules –Social classes –Economy based on trade Time Line of Societies
Section 3 Agricultural Societies (cont.) –Monetary system –Separation between religion and government Time Line of Societies
A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 3 Which is NOT a true statement about the agricultural society? A.Distinct social class B.Monetary system used C.Wealth and power based on land ownership D.Nomadic society
Section 4-End
Time Line 1 Time Line of Societies
Time Line 2 Time Line of Societies
Vocab 14 society people living within defined territorial borders and sharing a common culture
Vocab 15 hunting and gathering society a society that survives by hunting animals and gathering edible plants
Vocab 16 horticultural society a society that survives primarily through the growing of plants
Vocab 17 pastoral society a society in which food is obtained primarily by raising and taking care of animals
Vocab 18 agricultural society a society that uses plows and draft animals in growing food