Why are animals important to us? Think of as many ways as you can in 1 min To explain 4 ways in which Animals are important in the Bible To give evidence for the importance of animals in the Bible To evaluate the importance of animals in Christian life
POINTEVIDENCEEXPLANATION A. Animals are loved by God just as they are, and He cares for them Matthew 6:26 Explain how your evidence proves your point B. God gives us animals for our wellbeing and comfort 1 Kings 17:2-6 c. Animals help to save us from sin and evil Jonah 3:4-10 (what were the animals made to do that helped stop the city from being destroyed?)
How important are animals in the Bible ? Do you think God would care about how animals are treated? Why?
Poster: Stop Animal Cruelty! Include reasons from the Bible why people should not be cruel to animals.