Using the Participant Center Southeastern Colorado Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
Log In with your User Name and Password
Your Participant Center – Home Page Overview
Tools for Fundraising Your participant center is a great way to track your Fundraising success – with easy ways to invite friends, family and co-workers to join you in your efforts! There are templates for requesting donations, sending thank you notes, and recruiting team members. You can access Komen’s Facebook application and fundraise through Facebook as well!
Your Personal Race Web Page – Add your story, photos & video!
Make it Yours Manage your page settings like: “Display your donor’s names and amounts or just names.” Blog about your fundraising success and motivate others to join the cause. Click on “View Personal Page” to see your personal web page as others will see it. Anytime you want to make a change to your personal web page, just log on to your Participant Center at
Make YOUR Donation Don’t forget to donate to yourself and show others your commitment to Race for the Cure!