JPL/Caltech proprietary. Not for public release or redistribution. This document has been reviewed for export control and it does NOT contain controlled technical data. For planning and discussion purposes only. Copyright 2013 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. Design and Implementation of ISO Metadata in Science Data Products ESIP – Summer 2014 Copper Mountain, Colorado Barry Weiss Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA July 10, 2014
Implementation of ISO Metadata in Science Data Products ISO Metadata Model Abstract Models of Geospatial Metadata –Five major sources of the model at this time ISO 19115:2003, Geographic information ― Metadata –Original model ISO 19115:2009, Geographic information ― Metadata Part 2: –Specific extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO :2014, Geographic information/Geomatics –Improvements and extensions to the model ISO 19157:2014, Geographic information/Geomatics: –Major upgrade to methods employed to specify data quality ISO 19130:2010, Imagery Sensor Models –Provides metadata specific for remote sensing instruments Combined models provide a standard to specify metadata for all Earth Science Data Products © California Institute of Technology. Government Sponsorship Acknowledged BW-1
Implementation of ISO Metadata in Science Data Products ISO Metadata Representation ISO XSD Schema encoding specified in ISO 19139:2007 Geographic information – Metadata – XML schema implementation Dictates the serialization of the ISO metadata model Ultimate ISO goal A global standard model in a global standard format The challenge Generate metadata that conforms to the model and is complies with standard serialization Generate software that leverages specific ISO implementations to extract and interpret the model in the proper serialization © California Institute of Technology. Government Sponsorship Acknowledged
Implementation of ISO Metadata in Science Data Products Session Objective Present technical methods that NASA investigators have used to generate and interpret ISO metadata Provide specific issues that were encountered in the process Provide lessons learned for future development efforts BW © California Institute of Technology. Government Sponsorship Acknowledged
Implementation of ISO Metadata in Science Data Products Session Outline Automation of Dataset Metadata for SMAP –XSD and Data Binding Approach B. Weiss, JPL Generation of Dataset Metadata for ICESat II –Graphical User Interface Approach J. Lee, NASA Wallops Conversion of Metadata to ISO Standard for GHRSST – Generation of Consistent Geophysical Records T. Huang, JPL Parsing ISO Metadata for Insertion in Existing Models –Metadata Transfer to ECHO and UMM K. Baynes, Raytheon BW © California Institute of Technology. Government Sponsorship Acknowledged