E-Z Public Service Announcement Presentation Lesson & Directions Tip: Public Service Announcements are called “PSAs” for short
Why PSA? What is the purpose of a PSA? PSAs share problems and offer ideas & solutions PSAs educate others so that people from all around the world can learn about issues PSAs give everyone a chance to help make the world a better, safer, and more beautiful place to live!
PSA Brainstorm Take 5 minutes to Brainstorm as a class or group first. #1: Identify a tide pool problem or topic! WHAT DID YOU COME UP WITH? If you already shared then it’s time to get started!
PSA Tide Pools Topic Bank List of Ideas about Tidepools & Global Warming Changing Tides Pollution Food Sources Diseases Fishing
Start your PSA Begin by: Stating the issue or challenge about tide pools Show pictures of the problem Share one statistic that illustrates the need for help and change
HOW TO HELP? OFFER OR EXPLAIN SOLUTIONS Speaking: Tell How to Solve the Problem Show Images or Action of the problem being solved: People helping or positive results of taking action
Who is helping now? Speaking “name of foundation’(example: California State Parks) strives to (Read Mission) Write or Create Slide of Mission Statement. (Read the statement and show it)
Call to Action Speaking: Ask for specific help or action Add slogan or catchy phrase to get people motivated. Write/Show: Show more action or pictures of your slogan. You may also videotape yourself or others asking for the help.
Share the Info Share one resource, or a list of resources where people can : Learn more about the issue Help by volunteering in their area Give in other ways Get help for themselves or others on the topic
Digital Citizenship Add the Agency’s phone number or website address. Remember your Digital Citizenship safety promise and NEVER GIVE YOUR NUMBER OUT! Only provide true information that matches your project.
Cite Sources Keep a list of resources Where did you find your facts? What are the exact website address(es)? (Not Wikipedia or Google) Did you interview anyone? List their name and title, date you interviewed them.