A BLUEPRINT FOR REFORM Presented by Julia Renberg EDLE 813
INTRODUCTION “Today, more than ever, a world-class education is a prerequisite for success. America was once the best educated nation in the world. A generation ago, we led all nations in college completion, but today, 10 countries have passed us. ….And, the countries that out-educate us today will out- compete us tomorrow. “ President Barack Obama
PRIORITIES College and career-ready students Great teachers and leaders in every school Equity and opportunity for all students Reward excellence Promoting innovation and continuous improvement
HIGH QUALITY EDUCATORS AND EDUCATIONAL LEADERS NCLB - introduced the highly qualified teacher standard that demands that all teachers in core academic subjects have a bachelor's degree, state certification, or equivalent status, and a demonstrated knowledge in their content area. BLUEPRINT - shifts the law's emphasis from highly qualified to effective teachers. States are required to develop new definitions of effectiveness based in significant part on student growth, but will continue to comply with the highly qualified provision in the interim. Districts must implement new evaluation systems that reflect state standards for effectiveness and differentiate teachers and principals across at least three performance levels.
THE BLUEPRINT FOR REFORM Create a fair accountability system that recognizes and rewards growth and progress; Give the majority of schools and districts the flexibility to use a wide variety of data to design their own improvement plans to increase achievement and close gaps; Challenge schools that have achievement gaps that aren’t closing or low student achievement that’s not improving to use data-driven, evidence-based interventions.
ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY Students need evidence-based instructional models Priority given to states that use technology to address student learning challenges, which may include UDL, cooperation with outside partners, or prepare all students (including underrepresented groups) for advanced study and careers in STEM.
FUNDING FOR PARENT/STUDENT PROGRAMS Funds provided to increase support for ELL, SWD, Native American students, homeless students, children of migrant workers, and neglected or delinquent students. Districts not improving will lose use of funding flexibility and will be required to work with the state to establish more effective strategies.
FUNDING FOR PARENT/STUDENT PROGRAMS Funding will be provided for a needs assessment on all children in the community to establish baseline data and determine the area for improved outcomes. Families will be notified of accountability in their district/school based on the following: Teacher qualifications Levels of teacher/principal effectiveness Teacher survey data on level of support and working conditions, Novice status of teacher/principals Teacher/principal attendance Retention rates based on performance levels
EDUCATION OPTIONS The proposal provides funding for the Supporting Effective Charter Schools programs and Promoting Public School Choice programs
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES A video about The Blueprint for Reform ESEA Reauthorization: A Blueprint for Reform – US Department of Education html html