Welcome to 118
Who am I? My name is Sarai Douglas-Schulz I am from Lincoln and even went to Lincoln High! I graduated in 2002 I am married to Jimmy Schulz and we have a two year old daughter named alba.
How you know I am qualified to be your teacher. I have a bachelors of Arts in English I have always loved writing poetry and short stories My masters in Education with a focus on Culture and Language. I just started a second master’s program focusing on curriculum and reading. I enjoy learning!
This will be my 5 th year teaching. I took a year off to stay home with my daughter and to start a second Master’s Degree. I returned because I love teaching and I love Lincoln High!
Rules of 118: The rules are simple and all about being respectful of one another. 1. BE RESPECTFUL 2. I someone is up here talking, you are NOT talking. 3. If someone is up here talking, you are NOT on your phone. 4. Ask before you use the restroom- and take a pass. No pass- no bathroom. 5.If you have food, that’s ok, but remember to throw it away and clean up after yourself.
Rules of 118: The rules are simple and all about being respectful of one another. 1. There will not be a lot of homework. At home you will study for tests and finish classwork. Turn your work in ON TIME! I will accept assignments until the last day of school- DO NOT WAIT THAT LONG! The longer you wait, the harder it is to get it done! If you are missing more than 3 assignments at a time, I will assign you to ARC until you have them turned in.
LEVEL 1: Reading The focus of this class is to help you with fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and reading. We will start by practice our ABC’s How to blend sounds together to make words Vocabulary Reading skills Writing skills Grammar
LEVEL 1: Reading We will use books and guided reading to help us practice our language, and learn new vocabulary. We will do this through weekly vocabulary and grammar quizzes. My goal is to help you gain English and academic skills to be successful in ALL your classes!
LEVEL 1: Reading Level 1 can be difficult, it’s a lot of new classes, new language, new students all at one time. Its OK to feel nervous and even scared! All your teachers and I are here to make sure that you are learning enough in ELL to help you. We are also here to help you with your homework, answer questions, and be a support when you need us.