Utilities Use Case A sneak peak at how Teldio’s suite of applications can ensure Safety, Security & Situational Awareness for all of your employees.
2 Two-Way Radio TelephonyRadio-to-Radio RecordingIntelligent Alarm Control System Man Down Notifier Centralized Lone Worker ApplicationBluetooth Indoor Positioning System Teldio’s Suite of Applications
3 Utilities - Use Case Context Power Generation Company 100 employees One Plant Manager on duty at all times Lead Engineer One Fire Marshall New and Used Equipment Several distinct alarm panels (SCADA, ASCII, RTU outputs) 100 MOTOTRBO radios, Blackberrys for supervisors Teldio’s full suite of applications
4 Five Steps to “Crisis” Management 1. Incident2. Notification3. Response4. Resolution5. Evaluation
5 MDN Worker Monitoring Proactive Worker Monitoring
1.0 The Incident
7 The Incident Sensor is reporting high pressure in one of the main tanks containing toxic chemicals Potential need for evacuation Incident priority - HIGH
2.0 Notification Process
9 Notification Process Tight integration between Teldio ACS and building management system Pressure Sensor High pressure TANK54C Alarm escalation (Closed loop) To on-site supervisor To Manager (off-site)
10 User Acceptance The lead engineer has received the alarm on his TRBO and accepts the alarm to notify others he will take the lead. Accept Alarm Reject Alarm
3.0 Response
12 Response Notify all radio users using the MOTOTRBO Two-way radio network of the potential need for evacuation All Call Talkgroup
13 Response Notify Security Deck (Head Office) of Incident Notify someone via extension number at the head office Call Ext to reach the Security supervisor Call local authorities to notify on pending situation Using RBX Speed Dial Conference call between off-site engineer and on- site resources (using two-way radios)
14 Response Use IPS to determine who’s closest to the affected area that may need to be evacuated If Evacuation becomes necessary, ensure all workers have safely exited the building
15 Response Employees in the danger zone – turn on CLW Continue monitoring their safety as the situation progresses
4.0 Resolution
17 Resolution The alarm has been resolved and the user may close the alarm in ACS Accept Alarm Reject Alarm Close Alarm Pressure Tank Fixed
18 Resolution Notify Security Deck (Head Office) – “Situation resolved” Notify someone via extension number at the head office Call Ext Call local authorities to notify on resolved situation Using RBX +Plus Interconnect
5.0 Evaluation
20 Evaluation Incident recordings Playback all talkgroup conversations Play back 911 call Audit user actions
21 Evaluation Alarm Logging & Reporting Evaluate response times Received, Accepted/Rejected, Closed Audit user actions
The Result
23 One Company, One Solution AlarmsTelephony World Asset / Employee Location MOTOTRBO Radio Networks
24 The Value of Teldio’s Solution Security Secured Private Assets Enhanced Asset Management Situational Awareness Improved Response Times Location Consciousness Cost Reduction Low Infrastructure Costs No Recurring Fees Safety Increased Worker Safety Employee Alertness Leveraging the Power of MOTOTRBO Digital Two-way Radio Networks A MORE POWERFUL SOLUTION for your Customer.
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